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Writer's pictureJohnny Aman

WrestleDream Fall Out Review

Storytime with Adam Cole has finally returned. Adam Cole's sights are set on MJF. The essence of the promo is that MJF is a phony who can't be trusted. MJF's music would hit when called out but no Maxwell in person. Instead, he is seen drinking wine on a rather neat looking set. MJF states he will never give Adam Cole a match. Sounds like Cole will have some trails and tribulations to get his match.

That escalated quickly. Maybe ratings issues? I don't know but will enjoy it next week.

Dax and Bryan Keith kick off the action for the night. Bryan Keith is getting the better of offense until Dax gets cornered. Dax chops his way out and tags in Cash. Keith is able to reverse those fortunes and tag in Big Bill. Big Bill takes a slow methodical approach to striking Cash. The up and over that Cash tried doesn't quite work with a seven footer. Bossman slam by Big Bill. Big Bill is keeping his slow pace even to put Cash on the middle rope for a choke before tagging in Keith. Cash does reverse a pick up into a cross body for a two count. After that Keith attacks again before tagging out. The build for the hot tag is definitely there. After a back body drop Cash is able to hit that hot tag. Dax is giving punches to both his opponents. A cross body after delivering about 4 punches to Bill in the corner was nice. Big Bill takes back control. Shatter Machine set. Bill just punches Cash to stop the Shatter Machine. Pill Powerbomb to Dax. Tag to Keith. Diamond Dust into a Big Boot combo for a near fall. Cash takes Big Bill to the outside and plants him with a Tornado DDT. Shatter Machine for the win on Bryan Keith for the win.

Outrunner come out to celebrate with FTR after their win.

MVP is out to recruit The Acclaimed. Interesting.

Does anyone really believe that Mone will lose? Aminata does show she is the more powerful of the two ladies. This makes Queen Aminata look like a contender. Her first big move is hitting a fall away slam. Kamille pulls Mone off the apron for her safety. Aminata headbutts Kamille to lose the advantage. Mone hit a double knee into the steel steps. Mone would do the same move a little latter in the corner for a two count. Lots of near falls during the commercial break if you are watching on TBS. Aminata catches Mone and almost wins with an Air Raid Crash. Aminata tries to put Mone away again with a back slide and sunset flip. Aminata does a rolling cradle. That is about the end of Aminata's major offense for the match. Statement Maker in the center of the ring ends the match. A retention for Mercedes Mone.

What is up with Stokely?

I don't think I will be inviting the Elite to attend my birthday party after that.

Nice Magic trick by Matthew but the coin drop was off. Okada and O'Reilly start it off. Kyle gets the better with the forearm strikes. Okada takes him down with a big boot out of nowhere. Matthew and Orange Cassidy both get tagged in. Okada gets back in the ring and all of the Conglomeration are in on the action now. Order is quickly returned and Rocky is layiing in punches to Matthew in the corner. Orange Cassidy gets tagged in to do the same. Okada for the save. Double team action by the Young Bucks. Now all of the Elite do a over the top senton type dive onto their opponents before posing. Conglomeration is getting beat. I feel that the main story of this match is Okada and O'Reilly especially since commentary was pushing that narrative. Orange Cassidy tags in Kyle O'Reilly. O'Reilly is looking hot being able to counter all of the Elite's moves. That was until an elbow to O'Reilly while he had Okada in a guillotine. Wheeler Yuta out of no where with a flying Knee to stop the match. Top Flight with Action Andretti comes out to stop Mox's group. EVPs do nothing. Dark Order comes out but gets beat down as well. Mox chokes out Evil Uno. Reynolds gets choked out and the steel steps rammed into his abdomen.

My gut reaction is that Shelton Benjamin needs the win to start his AEW career, however, Lio Rush will win. Both men are starting off with an amatuer wrestling style until Lio went for a go behind. Shelton then starts to beat down Lio. Loi goes for a dive but Benjamin stops Rush dead in his tracks with a high knee from the floor to the middle ropes. Shelton Benjamin is showing signs that it may have been a major mistake of WWE to let him go. MVP taunts Lio Rush a little while he is on the outside. Lio rolls back in and Benjamin goes back to the attack. I do not recall and I may be wrong but Shelton Benjamin has Hurt Syndicate on his rear something that AEW had not announced as the name of MVP's stable. But I could be wrong. Lio hits a series of topies on Benjamin' while Benjamin gets in Lio Rush hits a cutter. Lio and Shelton had a bit of a misque before Lio hit a spinning kick to the back of Benjamin's head. Shelton with a release German Suplex looks like he is about to put Lio Rush away. Shelton does pin Lio Rush shortly after that. I am glad that I was wrong on the Rush victory.

Kyle Fletcher would also get on the microphone to say that he wont tell the fans why he did what he did. This stable has the potential to be dominate. Also they remind me of Street Fighters. Lets see if they have a Hadoken.

King Ricochet is framing the narrative as having not truly lost at WrestleDream. He then issues an open challenge for Collision.

Then in a separate backstage segment the brawl between the BCC and Top Flight/Dark Order continues. Both Top Flight and Dark Order tell BCC that they are there for the fight after the BCC drove off. This feels slightly reminiscent of the NWO before it went crazy adding everyone but not Buff's mother.

With Luchasaurus on the mend the numbers are on the side of Bullet Club Gold. The bell rang but Christian Cage played the slow burn to get heat by evading in the opening moments of the match. Jay White is beating down Christian Cage. White locks in an Indian Deathlock; Cage easily got the rope break Bullet Club Gold got expelled from ringside after Nick Wayne attempted to introduce a chair. They just got caught with it. Colten comes back and him and Juice drag Nick to the back. This turned the tide in favor of Christian Cage. Jay White reverses an Irish Whip sending Christian over the steps. The two men re-enter the ring and start trading blows. Switchblade gets Cage into the corner. Jay White attacks the eyes before laying in some punches. DDT by Jay White for a two count. Cage hits a Tornado DDT off the top rope. Jay kicks out of the pin that followed. Kip Sabian distracts Christian. This allows Jay to recover enough for a pin attempts. Adam Page is now ringside hiding on the floor. Killswitch almost puts the Switchblade away. Jay White takes back control of the match. Christian pushes White off the top rope and hits a headbutt for a two count. Kip back on the rope. Page hits a Buckshot Lariat. Christian pins for the win. Is that what was suppose to happen originally?


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