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Writer's picture: Josef ArdleyJosef Ardley

Welcome guys to this weeks edition of AEW Collision. We have 5 matches and our main event is an Owen Hart semi final match so let’s kick things off with some trios action


As KOR and Jacked Jameson square off, the music of the Undisputed Kingdom hits, and Strong joins the commentary desk. Jameson drinks his protein shake, and Kyle kicks the hamstring. Shoulder block by Jameson, another protein shake is grabbed, but Mark Briscoe grabs it and drinks it himself. He powers up and a Shoulder block to Jameson and Bronson. Briscoe and O’Reilly hulk up, enziguri to Boulder. Jawbreaker to Bronson, but the Savages with a double shoulder block to take down O’Reilly. Senton, 1, 2, no. Crossbody to a seated Kyle gives Boulder a 2 count. Boulder mocks Cassidy by putting his hands in his singlet, but Kyle fights back, only to get cut off with a shoulder tackle.

Quick tags by the Savages now, but Jameson rebound springboards into some knees from Kyle. O’Reilly gets the tag to Briscoe, who unleashes some Redneck Kung Fu on the Savages. Roaring elbow connects, boots Jameson to the outside, and Briscoe goes to tag Orange Cassidy, but OC isn’t feeling it. He eventually tags in, goes wild with a tope suicida and a crossbody. Satellite DDT to Boulder! Orange Punch, no he’s caught by Bronson in a Bear Hug. Stundog Millionaire, Briscoe springboards off the back of Bronson to the outside! Kyle with a running knee off the apron! OC with the Orange Punch, connects! 1, 2, 3 and this one is over.

Here is your Winners: Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly, & Orange Cassidy

This is a weird but fun trio. Just feels like they have no idea what to do with these three guys so put them in a random trio.


Storm locks in a headlock, Trish reverses. Shoulder blocks are traded, Storm with a cradle for 2, Adora with a follow up pin for 2. Adora gets Storm in the Air Raid Crash position, but holds her there in a pretzel submission. Storm escapes, but Trish steps through into an arm submission, stretching out the arms behind Storm.

Storm comes back with a dropkick, and a hip attack to knock Adora off the apron. Storm grabs a mic and asks for a standing ovation, but is met with a bicycle kick by Adora. Mariah May gets in the face of Carly Bravo haha, until Luther gets involved too. Trish slides Storm back inside the ring, nice bridging suplex gets a 2. Adora keeps control, until Storm gets a backstabber in the corner and hits a bridging suplex of her own for 2.

She looks for Storm Zero, can’t get it, but Adora whips her off the ropes and hits a swinging backbreaker. To their feet, they trade forearms, Trish goes to her knees and hits a low angle German suplex, 1, 2, no! Toni with the hip attack in the corner! 1, 2, no. More forearms from both women, Trish fires up but a headbutt from Toni connects. Pump kick by Adora, but Storm fires off a Storm Zero out of nowhere for the 1, 2, 3!

Here is your Winner: ‘Timeless’ Toni Storm

Another win for Toni Storm. No shocks here. Adora gave a good showing here though.

Next, Jack Perry heads to ringside for the TNT Title Open Challenge. A Jurassic Express video plays on the screen.. ITS MARKO STUNT!



Perry looks like he’s seen a ghost. Stunt with a headbutt and he goes in on Stunt…but a clothesline turns him inside out. Perry lays in the forearms, Stunt tries to fight back but Perry chops him down. Stunt goes for a headscissors but gets lawn-darted into the buckles HARD! Perry goes for a powerbomb but Stunt with a hurracanrana! Marko to the top rope…Dragonrana, no Perry catches him, buckle bomb. Running knee to the side of the head, 1, 2, 3.

Here is your Winner and STILL TNT Champion: Jack Perry

Was this a squash? Yes. But was it great seeing Marko Stunt back? Absolutely. That was a fun turn up. Jack Perrys reaction was amazing.


Castagnoli with a waistlock, grounds Mortos, but Mortos escapes. Arm control traded, Mortos flips out of it. Kitchen sink takes Castagnoli off his feet, then off the ropes Castagnoli catches Mortos in midair and turns him into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, damn! Stalling double stomp connects. Mortos with a quick powerslam gets a 1 count. Mortos drops the knee pad, charges into the corner, gets tossed to the floor.

Castagnoli misses a baseball slides, Mortos back in the ring and comes right back out with a torneo!

Mortos springs back in the ring, headscissors, but Claudio follows through and sends Mortos into the ringpost shoulder-first. Castagnoli whips the back of Mortos’ head into the top turnbuckle, and repeats it in another corner. He goes for a third corner and does the same…and does the same in the fourth corner for good measure.

Arm lock applied by Castagnoli in the center of the ring, but both men get to their feet and exchange forearms and overhand chops. Claudio unloads forearms, Mortos with a reverse Slingblade and a crucifix bomb, 1, 2, no. Mortos runs up the buckles and hits a rebound crossbody. Neutralizer attempted but countered. Spear by Mortos! 1, 2, no.

Mortos goes for a springboard but Castagnoli tosses him overhead to the outside. Claudio takes a run up, running uppercut against the barricade. Back in the ring, Mortos avoids the Swing and gets a big headbutt, followed by a swinging backbreaker for another 2 count. Back suplex countered by Castagnoli, runs into a back elbow, but Mortos dives into an uppercut. Claudio signals for the Swing…and he gets it! Running lariat! 1, 2, 3.

Here is your winner: Claudio

That was fun. I’m a huge fan of Mortos from his TNA days. These two just worked really well together.


Lockup to start, Frost with a clean break in the corner. Shoulder block, cover for 1, Riho bridges out of it. Arm drags galore, swinging neckbreaker from Frost connects. Riho with a boot to the midsection, drops Frost to the middle rope, hits the Tiger Feint Kick. Riho up top, diving crossbody, 1, 2, no. Rising knee in the corner and a bulldog to follow up, 1, 2, no. But Riho locks in a crossface immediately, until Frost rolls into a pin for 2.

Dropkick to the back from Frost, 1, 2, no. Chops in the corner, Frost misses one and Riho capitalises with chops of her own. Frost isn’t impressed and wants more. Fisherwoman’s suplex by Frost, inside cradle by Riho gets a 2. Riho with a back mount, Frost rolls out of it and drives a knee into the small of her back. headscissors takes Frost to the floor, Riho heads up top again, crossbody to the floor, almost ATE SHIT on that, she basically dived into the knees of Frost. Back in the ring, spin kick connects for Frost, Chiller Driller! 1, 2, no.

Frost goes up, possibly looking for the Frost Bite, but Riho grabs the legs and pulls her back. Belly to belly suplex from Frost. Up top, moonsault! 1, 2, no. Frost gets Riho on her shoulders, Riho fights out of it into a dragon suplex! Flipping STO (basically Kofi’s SOS) from Riho connects, and that gets the 1, 2, 3!

Here is your Winner: Riho

Why do we keep doing this random every 6 month push of Riho? and when is Lady Frost going to get a win? Lots of questions on this one.


Bobby Cruise gets on the mic to say that he has been informed by the Young Bucks that the other members of the Bang Bang Gang have been ejected from the building. Page grabs White by the head and shoves him back into the corner before the bell rings. Referee Paul Turner separates them and calls for the bell, and this one is on.

They spill to the floor before Page chases White back in the ring. A slugfest ensues with Page getting control. Fallaway slam takes White down, springboard clothesline but White backs up and Page gets hung up on the ropes. White continues with a choke on the ropes, but Page eventually gets the springboard clothesline and then whips White into the barricade on the outside. Page follows White back into the ring, White tries to get a sneaky Blade Runner but can’t. Page with a sleeper slam and then kicks the heck out of him, booting him to the outside.

White drives Page backwards into the steel steps, and they both go head over heels over the steps, that looked painful for both guys. And now Page clotheslines White and they both spill over the barricade.

Back in the ring, Page gets White on the top rope, but White fights back. White kicks him away and chops him, before getting a knee trembler, and a dragon screw. Jay with jabs in the corner, opening up Page even more.Thumb to the eye from Hangman! And now Jay gouges the eyes in return! DDT by Jay, 1, 2, no. White looks for a suplex but Page puts the brakes on. Discus forearm by Page, but he walks into a flatliner, and a deadlift suplex by White! They battle to the apron, exchanging strikes, Page charges and gets dropped with a flatliner on the apron. Jay climbs back up, looking for a German on the apron, but Page pulls forward and the momentum sends White into the ringpost. Powerbomb into the apron to follow! Page gets in position for the Buckshot, but White collapses to the mat, and that saves him.

Page gets rolled up though, 1, 2, no. Page back to the apron, but White with a dragon screw through the ropes. Pop up powerbomb by Hangman connects, 1, 2, no. Hangman to the apron again, Buckshot gets CAUGHT! Uranage by White, 1, 2, NO. Sleeper suplex by White, maintains wrist control…Blade Runner reversed, Dead Eye reversed. And Page shoves White into the referee. Dead Eye connects, but there’s no referee! Page takes his belt off and chokes White out, whipping him for good measure. JEFF JARRETT is here! He slides into the ring, takes the belt from Page, White from behind with the Sleeper Suplex! Another ref kicks Jarrett out, but Christian Cage is here! SPEAR to Jay White! Buckshot lariat connects, 1, 2, 3!

Here is your winner: Adam Page

Nope. I’m not a fan. I’m bored of Adam Page and Jay White deserved this in my opinion.

This was a solid Collision episode. They continued stories that are happening on Dynamite and pieces are started to be put in place for All In. Thanks for joining me this week guys. See you next week.


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