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Ted DiBiase Compares Former WWE Tag Partners Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty

Craig Inglis

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Former WWE superstar Ted DiBiase has compared the differences between former Rockers partners Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty, particularly in terms of their lives outside the wrestling ring.

In a recent edition of his "Everybody's Got A Pod" podcast, the WWE Hall of Famer revealed that Marty Jannetty was an excellent wrestler, but he was out of control in his personal life.

"Marty was just crazy ... I mean, legitimately. Had he kept his head together ... he was a good worker. He was a very good wrestler, but his personal life, you know, was just out of control. Marty Jannetty never grew up; Shawn (Michaels) did. Shawn [grew up] in a big way. Shawn became a Christian and a believer. To this day, he's a great guy."

During the podcast, Ted DiBiase learned about the news that Marty Jannetty would have to have his leg amputated due to injuries that he'd suffered. The Hall of Famer was surprised about the news and spoke fondly about the former WWE superstar, stating that he's not a bad person, but only wanted to have fun at all times.

"Marty's, you know, he's not a bad guy. He's just this fun-loving spirit who never you know ... he's like a little kid who never wants to grow up. Unfortunately, we all have to grow up," Ted DiBiase stated.

Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels were notorious for their partying ways, with the former admitting that he and "The Heartbreak Kid" did things that they shouldn't have. While Shawn Michaels has shrugged off his bad-boy image, Marty Jannetty continues to be in the news for all the wrong reasons, with him even confessing that he murdered a man, which he later claimed to be a wrestling angle. 

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