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Its rampage time guys and we have four matches for you and what more could we ask for than kicking things off with The Elite in trios action so lets get to our opening contest.



Perry and Shibata begin. Shibata drags Perry to the mat, but Perry manages to avoid a pinning attempt. Shibata tries a submission as Perry's foot hits the bottom rope, causing the break. Perry escapes the ring as Nick makes a blind tag. Shibata is subjected to a numbers game as the action resumes in the ring. Quen is tagged as he hits a hurricane before Zay joins in for some double team action. Zay goes for the cover as Perry breaks it up. Shibata hits a bicycle kick on Perry that sends him crashing to the floor. Zay ascends to the ropes for a series of right hands on Matt Jackson.


 Action is outside the ring amongst all men but soon gets back inside. Nick hits a senton on Zay while Perry hits a ddt on Quen. Bucks are double teaming Zay. He fights of Perry as he tries to tag Shibata. Perry yanks Shibata off the apron by his ankles as Matt hits Zay with a running knee strike! Cover and it is a kickout! Perry tagged as he tries for a powerbomb but Zay uses the momentum to send him into the corner. Zay is finally putting it together as he tags Quen! Quen comes in hot as he hits a double huricarana on the Bucks. A flying moonsault follows, and a big crossbody back in the ring. It is another near fall as he climbs to the top. Perry sweeps the leg as Nick Jackson hits a falcon arrow for a kickout! Perry tagged as he misses a clothesline as Quen lands a high kick to tag Shibata! Perry hits a dropkick as Shibata comes back with a kick of his own. Shibata sends Quen to clothesline to Perry. Lateral press made after the trio gang up on Perry and it is another kickout. Stereo kick for everyone by The Elite as Bucks hit a nice powerbomb/leg drop combo for another near fall. Zay hits Perry with the destroyer! Gin & juice follows as it is broken up by Elite! Matthew hits a double Northen suplex as the BTE trigger is applied. They were thinking TK driver as Quen rolls up Nick for the victory amongst the chaos! Great match!



Here is your Winner: Private Party and Shibata

Private Party were always getting the pin in this one. Now prepare for the Private Party build up only for them to lose the title match. We have seen this one before one too many times.





Spear followed by a modified version of the inverted spinning ddt later, and this one is over.


Here is your Winner: Kamille

It’s a Rampage squash but one that makes sense.




Cameron with a knee strike to the midsection. Harley hits a swing and a miss as Aminata takes her down to the canvas. Harley hits a reach around wrist lock before the queen reverses it while rubbing her booty on Cameron‘s back! Cameron say to the midsection followed by a enziguri. Aminata connects with a kick to the neck, followed by a kick to the head as we head into another set of commercials.

We are back as Harley is taking the fight to the queen. Harley comes off the ropes and hits a running knee strike as she goes for a cover. The queen is able to break free as our match continues. Charges and is sent over the rope as Harley, a kick followed by an ax kick to the back. Harley tries for a punt kick, but the queen stops it and sweeps her legs so hard that Harley lands face first wanted to the apron. Harley sends her back in the ring as the queen hits a double handed trap, followed by a nice lariat for a cover and kick out. The queen is putting up one hell of a fight as she misses a running kick into the corner. Harley hits her with a couple of shots to the midsection by using her shoulder. The queen elevates over Harley as Harley tries for a cross body, but the queen catches her from the ropes. Harley manages to get in for kick out. Harley comes off the ropes next as Aminata intercepts and sets her up for a back knee breaker, followed by a big head butt to the face that ends this one! Queen’s crown for the win!



Here is your Winner: Queen Aminata

These two are hands down the most improved women on the roster.Aminate is well deserving of her exposure right now. Well done to both women.


Post match, Serena Deeb attacks Aminata from behind as she had a stretch muffler on the queen before Britt Baker comes out for the save, steel chair in hand and all!



Cassidy and Big Bill to kick off this main event. Chris Jericho is on commentary…THANKS GUYS! Cassidy and Bill are playing mind games as Reilly is tagged and plays with Bill as well. They are baiting Bill big time with their trolling. So much so that Bryan Keith is tagged. Keith slaps Reilly and bails. Not really much action going on here as we head into our last set of commercials. Our event continues as Bill with a swing and miss as Cassidy tries for a ddt. Reilly hits a dropkick to the knee followed by a running kick. Keith hits a running elbow as Cassidy hits him with a ddt for a kickout! Action heads to the corner where Keith hits an avalanche exploder on Cassidy! Reilly and Keith engage in a series of strikes before Reilly hits an ankle lock. Jericho goes running to the apron to distract the referee. Rocky Romero sends Jericho into the steel steps as Big Bill sends him crashing into the wall barrier. Reilly and Cassidy hit an Orange punch and sweeping leg combo on Keith for the win.

Here is your Winner: Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly

I just cant seem to find the enthusiasm for the Conglomeration. Its just not a bit of me which is sad because O’Reilly I think is so good but just isn’t working for me.

Two solid matches and two nothing matches. Its not hard to see why there is talks of Rampage being scrapped come the end of the year. See you tomorrow for Collision.



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