Could the WWE Universe soon be receiving a dose of “The Original BRO?”
The chances are “extremely high” if you ask the man himself.
Matt Riddle spoke with Steven Muelhausen of SI Takedown for an interview this week, during which he spoke about the “extremely high” chances of a WWE comeback.
“The chances of me going back, I think they’re extremely high,” Riddle said. “If CM Punk, who filed a lawsuit against WWE, and then raked them through the mud for a decade, then goes to the competition, I’ll tell you this, if he can do that, everything can be forgiven. I know I wasn’t the easiest to work with at times. I think the door is always open.”
Riddle continued, “I think the longer I’m away, the harder I work, and the more I do, the more likely I could come back. But I’ll also say this, if I never go back ever again, and they never talk to me again, I’ll be ok with that.”
Photo credit: WWE
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