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Latest On Chad Gable's WWE Future

Craig Inglis

With his prior WWE deal believed to have expired on Friday 7th June, there's now an update on the future of Chad Gable.

Speaking to The Gorilla Position over the weekend, Chad Gable confirmed that he's re-signed with WWE and cited Triple H as someone who's "delivered on everything he's ever told me". The Alpha Academy man also praised the Game for always trying to find TV time for people, even if it's only a small segment.

Chad Gable has been with WWE since 2013, winning the NXT Tag Team Championships, SmackDown Tag Team Championships, and Raw Tag Team Championships during his run with the market leader. Of course, at present, he's been embroiled in a rivalry with Sami Zayn over the Intercontinental Title. A rivalry that saw the Olympian come up short last night at WWE Clash at the Castle from Glasgow, Scotland.

Chad Gable had been one of several WWE superstars whose contract status had been in the news in recent weeks and months, with Drew McIntyre, Seth Rollins, and Finn Balor having penned new deals, while Natalya, Ricochet, Angel, and Berto are amongst those whose existing deals are winding down. Elsewhere, Becky Lynch is now a free agent after her contract expired at the turn of the month, with the Man taking an extended break on the expectation she'll eventually re-sign with WWE.

Photo Credit: WWE

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