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Konnan Points To WWE Hall Of Famers When Discussing Demise Of WCW

Craig Inglis

Former WCW superstar Konnan has discussed the people responsible for WCW's decline, naming a few superstars who worked only for themselves which caused the death of the promotion.

Konnan, during his recent appearance on "Busted Open," discussed the first episode of the "Who Killed WCW?" docuseries. While many believe that Hulk Hogan's influence may have caused WCW to peter out, he doesn't believe the WWE Hall of Famer was the reason for it. He argued that fellow Hall of Famers Scott Hall and Kevin Nash were partly responsible for the decline of WCW.

"I never thought it was Hogan [who killed WCW]," Konnan said. "I always thought it was Hall and Nash. As a matter of fact, I said Eric [Bischoff] hitched his wagon to Hogan instead of the other guys 'cause they were the ones coming up with the cool ideas. They were the cool factor. He's [Hogan] the one that said, 'Bro, I'm getting booed. I've got to do something to resurrect my career.' Kevin Sullivan and Eric were the ones that convinced him [to turn heel]. They had to sequester him to make sure he didn't change his mind or somebody got in his ear, whatever was going on."

Scott Hall and Kevin Nash had joined WCW in 1996, two years after Hulk Hogan made the switch from WWE to WCW, and the trio went on to form NWO, a group which had an influence in the ring and behind the scenes.

WCW superstar's firing irked a few superstars: Konnan

Later on in the podcast, Konnan revealed an interesting anecdote that highlighted how certain members of WCW were only looking out for themselves. He recalled how some members of the WCW roster were unhappy with X-Pac being fired from the promotion, and said that they were willing to stand up for their friend's dismissal by wearing WWE gear on WCW television.

"To me, when they fired X-Pac — 'cause I was there, I was friends with them — and they were sitting in the arena, and they were hot as a motherfu**er. They had shirts on, like button-down shirts, and they opened up their shirts and they had WWE shirts," said Konnan. "They were willing to go up in the fu**ing ring, open up their shirts show WWE, and support X-Pac. When Eric fired X-Pac, they took their ball and went home — meaning, they were not giving any more ideas, they weren't coming in on time, they weren't playing anymore, and just the jealousy and everybody cutting each other's throats. And Hogan always looking up for himself, that was part of the reason."

X-Pac's exit seemingly hurt Eric Bischoff and WCW as they lost the Monday Night Wars to WWE, with Eric Bischoff acknowledging that X-Pac's return to WWE gave WCW's rival promotion a huge "shot in the arm."

Photo Credit: WWE

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