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Joe Hendry Announced For Concert With Former WWE Star


Scotland and TNA's own Joe Hendry has announced he will be doing a concert with another popular TNA superstar the legendary Jeff Hardy. There's a dress up like Joe Hendry or Jeff Hardy and you can win a chance to win exclusive collectables.

The concert takes place at Wayne State Fieldhouse on the 27th October and the concert starts at 04:30 PM EDT. TNA have tweeted the details here below is the twitter post:

i think this is a great opportunity for TNA to use this for great fan interaction and putting on a competition for winning exclusive collectables is great publicity for the company.

Let's us know what you think of this collaboration and would you like to TNA utilise on this type of thing in the future.

before I sound off and go. We hear at Real Rasslin know Joe Hendry is competing for the TNA heavyweight championship against another great Talent Nic Nemeth we would just like to wish Joe Hendry all the best and the team here at Real Rasslin are rooting for you mate go and get it brother.

Photo credit:WWE


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