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Welcome to this weeks edition of AEW Rampage. 4 matches and an Owen Hart tournament quarter final main event so let’s kick things off with our opening contest


Komander goes for a handshake but Rush is having none of it and sends Komander to the mat. Swing and a miss as Komander comes off the ropes and hits a huricarana that sends Rush to the outside. Rush rebounds on offense as he chops Komander while tossing him into multiple barricades. Rush introduces a steel chair into the mix as he’s on the verge of disqualification. RUSH throws it in the ring as he settles for a pair of cable wires. Rush chokes Komander with those cables as the referee is busy tossing the chair outside the ring.

Action back inside the ring as Rush hits a power slam and a double stomp from the side ropes. Komander hits Rush with a DDT as his opponent rolls the outside. Komander tries for a huricarana as RUSH catches him and slings him into the barricades. Komander is chopped and stomped on in the corner. A kick to the jaw follows. Komander is set up on the top rope in the corner as he’s kicked in the ribs. Rush misses a dropkick as Komander hits a spinning corkscrew. A low dropkick to the knees follows up as Komander hits a tope on the outside. Moonsault from the top rope followed by A shooting star press and Rush kicks out at 2. Komander follows up with a crucifix pin for a near fall. Rush with a headbutt to the jaw and hits a suplex and pin combo for a kickout. RUSH takes Komander outside the ropes and on the apron as he tosses Komander to the floor! Action back inside the ring as Rush hits the dropkick horns and this one is all over.

Here is your winner :Rush

Rush continues to dominate but seems a bit pointless now that he lost to MJF. Momentum killer. Interesting interaction with Don Callis about teaming up together. That would be interesting.


Kassidy and Fletcher to start things. Nice armdrag by Kassidy from off the ropes. Quen is tagged as he hits a dropkick from the top rope. Takeshita tagged as he’s bringing down right hands on Quen. Quen gets off a backheel kick from the corner as Private Party combines for some double-team action. It’s reversed as Takeshita hits a double-back suplex. Takeshita hits a big senton on both men with help from Fletcher.

Quen and Fletcher are tagged. Kassidy hits a big crossbody, followed by leg scissors to send Fletcher outside. The same thing happens to Takeshita as Kassidy hits both men over the top rope. Kassidy hits a senton, and Queen tries a 450 splash. Fletcher manages to get his knees up in time. Meanwhile, Takeshita hits a deadlift back suplex on Quen. Fletcher follows up with a dropkick. Both men are hit with brainbusters as somehow Private Party kicks out! Out of nowhere, Quen and Kassidy hit gin & juice, followed by the silly string! Quen with a 450 on Takeshita as Takeshita kicks out! Kassidy, meanwhile, went over the top to crash into Fletcher. Takeshita sent over the ropes as he hit a clothesline on both men. Fletcher tagged as he hit a snap suplex! Takeshita hits a thunder bomb on Kassidy as Fletcher hits a tombstone for the win.

Here is your winner : Fletcher and Takeshita

These two make an incredible team to be fair but Takeshita is wasted in tag action. Guy is a star and needs to be given more opportunities.


No comments needed here. Absolute squash. Boring now.

Here is your Winner: Kyle O’Reilly


A few reversals and strikes hit a stalemate. Both women exchange forearm strikes on the face. With a knee to the face, Shida followed up with a few punches to the head. May hits a dropkick, followed by a few open-palm strikes as Shida rests on the ropes. May with a kick to the face as she goes for a cover. It’s a kick out for Shida as May kicks Shida in the head and tries to set her up for a powerbomb onto the floor. Shida reverses it and sets May up between the ropes and side apron for a kick to the head.

May is making a comeback with a series of attacks. Shida is set up in the corner as she hits a huricarana. May takes to the top and hits a John Woo dropkick for a near fall. May hits a clothesline and is elevated over the ropes when she tries for another attack. Shida hits an enziguri followed by a back suplex for a two-count! Shida unleashes punches to the back of the head as May catches her with a spinning side slam from the ropes. May denied the hip attack as Shida hits a back suplex. May no-sells as she hits one of her own. Shida hits a falcon arrow for a kickout! May hits a back suplex and the hip attack! May thinking storm zero as it’s reversed. Shida almost hits a win as Mariah counters the katana with a bridge with a pin attempt, and she scores the victory!

Here is your winner: Mariah May

Yes. I’m calling it now. Mariah May v Toni Storm at all in. Was this a masterclass? No. Was it enjoyable? Absolutely. Do I love Mariah May? 100%. Mariah May is the future of the women’s division in AEW. Facts.

Thanks for joining guys. See you tomorrow for Collision


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