Its Saturday so its Collision time. We have a stacked show of 8 matches and our main event is a title match so lets kick things off with some trios action.
Joe and Nese start this one for their respective teams. Joe with a shoulder block to knock Nese down, followed by knees to the midsection, and a back elbow. Hook tags in, blows to the midsection, German suplex on Nese but Nese rolls through into a dropkick. Daivari tags in, tandem beatdown on Hook. Shibata in as Daivari tags in Woods. Woods and Shibata go blow for blow, leg pick by Woods, cross-armbreaker by Shibata, reversed into one of his own by Woods, Shibata reverses again! Shibata grabs a kneebar but in comes Nese to stomp him down and break it up. Nese is legal now, goes for a moonsault, but Shibata takes a page out of Joe’s book and casually strolls away to the delight of Joe.
Joe in now, but Mark Sterling causes a distraction, and Woods hangs Joe up on the ropes. Daivari tags in, shoulder block with Nese knocks Joe down. Woods in, clubbing blows to the chest, covers for a 1 count. Joe with a running senton on Daivari, tag to Hook and a tag to Nese. Northern Lights suplex on Nese, and an exploder to follow. He’s thinking Redrum, Daivari makes the save. Woods in from behind, German on Hook. Shibata tags in, kicks to everyone, STO to Woods, running kick to Nese. Shibata Running Dropkick connects and a front suplex for 2. Cross-armbreaker on Nese and he has no choice but to tap.
Here is your Winners: Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata
Team Joe actually has potential to be something really good. Watching them together I just want to see them in a feud with the BCC. Just a straight up fight. Working with Joe will do nothing but great things for Hooks career. Will be very interested to see where this trio go.
Bill bowls over Quen in the early goings. Bill is having a good time and dancing a little as he hits a running splash on Quen. But he misses another splash, and Quen gets a dropkick, followed by mounted punches in the corner but Bill comes right back with a big right hand to almost knock Quen out. Jericho in to wave after assisting a flapjack. Quen with a flying tackle off the middle rope, and he tags Kassidy who goes all out on Jericho.
Quen back in, but Keith distracts him and Jericho capitalises from behind. Back suplex by Jericho, cocky cover gets a 1 count. Bill with a big slap to the chest of Marq Quen, and Jericho whips off a dropkick to the face. Jericho brings Quen to the top rope, looking for a superplex, but Quen drops him face first to the canvas. Crossbody by Quen gets a 2. Tag to Kassidy who gets a crossbody of his own and a dropkick. Bill is sent to the outside, dropkick takes him off the apron too. Rebound stunners and a Code Red gets 2 for Kassidy.
Kassidy fires up on Jericho, goes for a hurracanrana but Jericho catches him and locks in the Liontamer. Kassidy stretches for the ropes and he makes it. Tag to Big Bill, who nails a big Boss Man Slam to Kassidy. 1, 2, no. Bill chokeslams Quen on top of Kassidy kick out again at 2. Jericho tags in and climbs the ropes. But Kassidy pushes Bill into Jericho to crotch him. PP send Bill to the floor with a double clothesline, and they hit an assisted Codebreaker on Jericho! 1, 2, NO. Kassidy takes issue with Bryce Remsburg, and then hits a series of strikes to Jericho and a running lariat…but Bryan Keith hits him from the outside with a foreign object. Jericho covers, 1, 2, 3.
Here is your Winners: Chris Jericho & Big Bill
This learning tree thing is actually starting to grow on me. Big Bill looks like hes having so much fun and its working. Yet again Private Party lose the big match and just completely ruins my prediction I made during their match on Rampage.
Bryan Keith attacks after the bell but here comes Samoa Joe, Shibata and Hook to make the save.! Joe takes the mic, and says that every idea coming from the Learning Tree absolutely sucks. They come from different schools of thought, and the best ideas survive the crucible of combat. Joe, Hook & Shibata challenge Chris Jericho and what’s left of his Learning Tree at Forbidden Door.
Guerrero extends the hand, Okada slaps it away. A little lucha to start and a standoff after a few go-behinds and an armdrag. Shoulder block by Guerrero, blocks a lariat, gets one of his own to take Okada down. Chops to the chest in the corner, and a body slam as Guerrero stays in control. Lariat connects by Guerrero, snapmare takeover and a chinlock to ground the champion. But Okada rises, looking for his Air Raid Crash, until Guerrero tries to counter with a submission. Okada gets him up again, Air Raid Crash across the knee! Both guys head outside the ring now, but Okada brings him back in after a few strikes.
Guerrero is building a comeback until both men have the same idea and knock each other down with stereo lariats. Guerrero knocks Okada down on the apron and hits a running basement dropkick to boot him to the outside. Guerrero whips Okada into the barricade, brings him back inside, gets Okada on his shoulders but Okada counters, hits the dropkick! He misses the Rainmaker, and Okada gestures that he will go for the mask but Guerrero with a powerbomb out the corner for 2.
Ultimo gets Okada up on the ropes, looking for something but Okada grabs the mask and gouges the eyes. Rainmaker misses, into a rollup for 2 for Guerrero. Okada pulls the mask off! RAINMAKER! 1, 2, 3!
Here is your Winner: Kazuchika Okada
I’m still not overly convinced with heel Okada but was great seeing Guerrero. Predictable outcome.
Cage comes to the announcer’s desk and puts on a headset, leaving Killswitch and Wayne to take on the three Savages. Jameson hands Bronson a protein shake, he downs it and he’s fired up! But runs straight into a shoulder tackle from Killswitch. Wayne in with kicks to the head of Bronson.
Killswitch with a double clothesline to take the Savages off the apron. Boulder back in, but Killswitch shoves him back throat first over the top rope. Jameson gets chokeslammed off the ropes to Boulder below. Killswitch tosses Wayne over the ropes onto them for good measure. Bronson fights out of a chokeslam attempt, builds up some steam on Killswitch with strikes and lariats, but Killswitch won’t go down. Killswitch shrugs it off, chokeslam connects. He tags in Nick Wayne, Wayne’s World! Cage strolls to the ring from the announcer’s desk and Wayne tags him in. Wayne & Killswitch shove Bronson into Cage, who hits the Killswitch for the 1, 2, 3.
Here is your Winners: The Patriarchy
This was so geniously played. Killswitch and Wayne do all the work and Christian comes in for the pin. Find me a better heel in wrestling. Christian is producing the best stuff of his career and I love it.
Hirsch and Storm begin, but Storm tags in Mariah when she can’t get the upper hand on Leyla. Frost in, gets a nice headscissors on May, who comes back with a big chop to the chest. Spinning backbreaker connects as May takes Hirsch off the apron, and Storm runs in for a hip attack to knock Frost off the apron too. Hirsch back in, nails a distracted May with a German while Frost and Storm battle on the outside.
Vertical suplex from Hirsch, tag to Frost who hits a standing moonsault for 2. Hirsch back in, waistlock applied to May. Another German attempt, but May counters into a backdrop driver! Tag to Toni Storm, who smacks Frost off the apron and hits a backstabber on Hirsch. Fisherwoman’s suplex gets 2. She looks for Storm Zero but Hirsch counters and locks in a cross-armbreaker. But May comes in with a PK to put a stop to that! Frost is knocked down in the corner, Hirsch sent into the opposite corner. But May and Storm both miss hip attacks! Cartwheel canonball on May by Frost, rebound dropkick from Hirsch! Frostbite to May, but NO TONI STORM SACRIFICES HERSELF! She covers May and absorbs the impact. Pin to May, 1, 2, NO, Toni Storm breaks it up!
Storm & May finally get the hip attacks and a Storm Zero to Hirsch picks up the pinfall.
Here is your Winners: Toni Storm & Mariah May
All four women absolutely killed it in this match. This should have been given more time. Yes it was a predictable outcome but the match worked so well.
MSG tries to take it to Black, LSG tags in but Black catches him with an arm drag. King in, chops LSG down to size. Kicks from Black, double team strikes. Dante’s Inferno connects for the 1, 2, 3.
Here is your Winners: House of Black
This done what it needed to do. House of Black are fire.
Hechichero charges but Menard sidesteps and takes him down with a clothesline. Hechichero drops Daddy Magic on his head with a takedown. He chokes him out on the bottom rope, chops him in the corner and hits a jumping knee strike. Back body drop, and then looks to snap the arm a la Penta. Magic fights back, mounted punches in the corner, short cutter gets a 2 count from Menard.
Hechichero with a slingblade out onto the apron, holding on to lock in a sleeper hold. Headscissors in the ring, crucifix armbar and Daddy Magic has no choice but to tap.
Here is your Winner: Hechichero
I love Matt Menard but this match was another one of those predictable finishes. Glorified squash.
Cage goes right for Ospreay as the bell rings, but Ospreay quickly turns the tables…spoke too soon, Cage nails him with a clothesline. Ospreay with a headscissors off the ropes, but Cage holds on and tosses Ospreay away, before doing some bicep curls and tossing him behind. Low bridge by Ospreay, sending Cage to the floor and Ospreay follows up with a springboard crossbody. Back to the apron, looks for another springboard but Cage catches him and holds him in a vertical suplex, finishing off with a Jackhammer. 1, 2, no.
Cage has Ospreay in a bearhug. Enziguri connects from Ospreay though as we see Daniel Garcia watching backstage. Springboard flying forearm gets a 2 count. Kicks to the face, but Cage back drops Ospreay out of a powerbomb attempt, release German suplex on Ospreay. Middle rope superplex from the apron connects, 1, 2, no. Cage looks for a powebomb but Ospreay hurracanaranas him into the corner to escape it. Diving elbow strike from the top rope takes Cage down. Cage counters a Hidden Blade though, reverse heel kick from Ospreay. Oscutter countered by Cage. Flurry of reversals into a sitout powerbomb from Ospreay and Both men are down.
Cage with the Deep Sea Diverticulitis, gets a 2 count. Cage slaps Ospreay, but Ospreay fights back with some forearms. Big elbow takes Ospreay to the mat though. Mini curb stomp from Cage, Ospreay back up though as they continue to trade strikes. Ospreay fires himself up, hitting his own head into the buckles. Knee lift by Cage, heel kick by Ospreay, lariat by Cage, and a powerbomb duo gets a 2 for Cage. Cage gets Ospreay on his shoulders again, Ospreay counters into a DDT. Handspring elbow caught into a German, but fighting spirit allows him to roll through and hit a Hidden Blade. 1, 2, no.
Ospreay goes for the Stormbreaker, no, Cage drives him into the buckles. Enziguri by Cage, Ospreay slips out by the buckles and hits a Cheeky Nandos. Top rope hurracanrana blocked, Cage grabs him, steps out onto the middle rope into a spinning powerslam but another kick out at 2.
Cage clotheslines Ospreay back up onto the top rope, gets him on his shoulders, but Ospreay counters into a hurracanrana. Oscutter caught. Stundog Millionaire connects as well as a poisonrana. Oscutter but another kick out at 2. Hidden Blade connects and this one isn’t kicked out of.
Here is your Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay
No further questions about who the best in the world is. Ospreay showed here he can brawl aswell as fly. This match was incredible. Cage showed yet again why he is one of the best men in the business but Ospreay is just on a different level.
This was a pretty good show highlighted by the main event. We continue to build towards Forbidden Door. Thanks for joining me this week guys. See you next week.