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It's AEW CM Collision... Yes he's here AGAIN! - AEW Collision Review - 12/08/23

The focus of this week's programme was tag team wrestling.

Not only did we get to watch The Acclaimed in action, but Krist Statlander and Willow Nightingale also faced off against Diamante and Mercedes Martinez in a women's tag match.

The Trios Championship fight between The House of Black and CMFTR, however, was unquestionably the greatest event on the schedule and in addition, Ricky Starks spoke to us about his assault on Ricky Steamboat.

Let's review everything that occurred on the show on Saturday.

Ricky Starks Speaks!

Tony Schiavone informed Ricky Starks at the start of the programme that he had been suspended for 30 days as a result of attacking Ricky Steamboat.

Actions have repercussions, according to Starks.

Starks used this as a promotional opportunity to announce that he had obtained a manager's licence and would continue appear on the show each week.

The Acclaimed vs. Iron Savages

The Acclaimed and The Iron Savages engaged in tag team combat in the opening match. As Anthony Bowens locked up with Bronson Boulder, the audience started chanting for the missing Daddy Ass.

This first appeared to be a squash match due to The Iron Savages' non-televised arrival. Although Tony Khan might have booked them to appear powerful in order to re-establish them in the tag team division, this match turned out to be very competitive.

While this was undoubtedly intended to strengthen Bowens and Max Caster, Bear and Bronson still put up a terrific performance. Both teams had their opportunities to shine.

In honour of Billy Gunn, The Acclaimed won with a double Fameasser.

Nightingale and Statlander vs. Diamante and Martinez

After problems between the two couples during the TBS title match between Martinez and Statlander, Statlander and Nightingale paired up to take on Martinez and Diamante.

A terrific exchange of takedowns and slams between Stat and Diamante got things going for their respective sides. She snatched Diamante and carried her to Willow so that she could tag in and execute a double-team move, demonstrating the TBS champs' strength.

After the break, Statlander received a hot tag to relieve Willow of some of the pressure she had been under in the ring. As the crowd clapped for her, the champion attacked both of her opponents.

Martinez and Diamante ultimately won the match by using Diamante's legs to help Martinez get leverage during a pin.

Although this was a good match, there seemed to be something lacking.

Perhaps they were being reserved, or perhaps there was a chemical problem. Whatever it was, it wasn't sufficient to make this unpleasant.

Samoa Joe vs. Andrew Everett

Samoa Joe faced Andrew Everett this week, who is listed as being 7'4" and who most clearly isn't lying about his height.

In a match that can only be described as a squash, Joe defeated the indie darling in under two minutes.

At All In, Joe grabbed a microphone and challenged CM Punk to a brawl.

Luchasaurus vs. Brock Anderson (TNT Championship)

During their promotional appearance, Christian Cage and Luchasaurus were interrupted by Arn and Brock Anderson.

After Arn convinced Christian to enter Brock in a TNT title contest, Luchasaurus began to attack the young man as soon as the bell rang.

It took longer than expected for a contest that looked like it would be finished in less than 60 seconds, but it doesn't necessarily imply it was competitive. With the exception of the challenger's brief offensive spurt, this was all Luchasaurus.

This was an effective method to make Luchasaurus look good, but overall, the Christian promo could have been the standout moment.

Darby attacking the Champion was a nice little pop but I’m confused with what is going on with Darby that’s another story line!

House of Black vs. CMFTR (Trios Titles)

In the main event, Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews faced off against CM Punk, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler for the Trios Championship. Julia Hart was present at ringside as usual.

The match between Punk and Matthews began with a straightforward lockup. They kept it tidy and followed all the regulations for the first few minutes since they knew they had plenty of time with virtually the entire remaining half-hour of the presentation. What we witnessed were some effective tag team strategies and foundational wrestling.

When Punk and Black entered the ring together and began exchanging kicks, the crowd erupted in excitement. Punk imitated Black's own trick by dodging his spinning kick and sitting down. All six of the men got into a fight as a result, which continued throughout the first commercial break.

Anything other than a successful match seems practically impossible with these two trios. Everyone had a chance to utilise their individual talents while collaborating to stage an entertaining and physically demanding main event.

Samoa As King hit a tremendous lariat on Harwood to gain the pin and keep the titles for HOB, Joe arrived and took Punk into the crowd to strangle him out.

This was a smart approach to give HOB the victory and build up Punk vs. Joe.

Now over to Johnny for Dynamite on Wednesday!


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