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Writer's pictureJosef Ardley


Welcome guys to this weeks episode of AEW Collision. We have EIGHT matches for you so lets kick things off with our opening contest.



After trading side headlocks, Johnny TV pokes the eye to take the early advantage. A middle rope sliding German suplex connects for a 2 count on Darby. A hard Irish whip follows, and Johnny TV heads up top, but Darby cuts him off with a slap and a superplex. Johnny TV gets Darby on the apron and delivers a Russian Leg Sweep off the apron to the floor. He follows up with a knee lift, knocking Darby backwards off the steel steps. Darby avoids a twisting senton, heads to the top and nails a Coffin Drop to the floor. He sends Johnny TV back inside the ring, who sweeps Darby’s legs and hits a spinning heel kick to knock Allin down. Darby rolls him up briefly for 2.


Johnny TV gutwrenches Darby into a modified crucifix bomb, then heads up for Starship Pain but it misses! Code Red from Darby gets 2. Coffin Drop connects for the 1, 2, 3.


Here is your Winner: Darby Allin


Darby takes the mic, and says he issued an open challenge on Dynamite for Wrestle Dream, and he wants to make it official tonight. Nobody comes out, so Darby calls out the locker room for being complacent. He’s giving them the opportunity, and nobody is going to step up? Darby’s music hits again, so it appears no one is going to take him up on the opportunity as of yet.


Or not because out comes Brody King. He jumps Darby on the stage, knocking him all the way down the ramp! King then delivers a powerbomb onto the apron, chokes him out against the ringpost, and then shouts I ACCEPT! Brody King vs Darby Allin at Wrestle Dream






Magnum and Drake begin this match, before we tag out to Gibson and Floyd. Gibson grounds Floyd but Floyd overpowers him and shoves him to the side. GYV capitalize with some great teamwork, Drake in but gets back body dropped. Double dropkick from the Outrunners, atomic drop and a double atomic drop as Floyd and Magnum get the upper hand.



Gibson kicks Magnum in the back to provide the distraction, allowing Drake to hit him from behind. Gibson in, forearm shot to Magnum, and now Gibson targets the leg. Magnum tries to body slam Gibson, but his leg gives way. Gibson responds by slamming Magnum against the ropes, further bothering the leg. Drake in, working over the knee….but Magnum reverses when Drake tries to apply an Indian Deathlock. Gibson tags in, but Magnum takes on both GYV members. Floyd rallies the crowd, and eventually Magnum makes the tag! Scoop slam on Gibson, then one to Drake, another to Gibson, another to Drake as Floyd is a house of scoop slam fire! He even scoop slams Magnum onto both guys.


Gibson is down, allowing the Outrunners to hit the double bicep drop. Floyd gets tossed to the outside, Gibson gets Magnum on his shoulders, and as Drake ascends the buckles for a Doomsday Device, Floyd tosses him off the top rope. And that allows Magnum to hit a victory roll for the surprise 1, 2, 3!


Here is your Winners: The Outrunners

So I totally get that The Outrunners have got themselves over but we are really having them beat GYV. All GYV momentum is finished. The backstage interaction between them and the Bucks was for nothing. Ridiculous.





Mariah May is watching this one from ringside. Willow takes down Adora with a shoulder block. Adora comes back with a Pele kick to the arm, and starts to work over the shoulder. Adora hits the ropes but runs into a Pounce from Willow. Chops to the chest, body slam combo, but a senton from Willow misses. A right hand knocks Willow down.


Adora goes for an Air Raid Crash, and holds on with a submission before dropping to connect with the move. She charges into the corner but Willow avoids it. Clubbing blows to the back from Willow, clotheslines in the corner, and a shotgun dropkick from the middle rope gets 2. Trish comes back with a crossbody and a suplex for 2. Bridging German suplex connects for 2 as well. Willow comes back with a big boot and the Babe with the Powerbomb for the 1, 2, 3.


Here is your Winner: Willow Nightingale



Post-match, Willow gets in the face of Mariah May, who attempts a cheap shot, but Willow drags her over the barricade and starts beating on her. Willow tries for the Babe with the Powerbomb on the steel steps, but Mariah May escapes and heads up the ramp. Willow celebrates getting the upper hand.

Im guessing we will get Willow V May at wrestledream.





Yuta goes right for BEEF as the bell rings. BEEF cartwheels away and nails a dropkick, before charging into the corner with a lariat. Right hand jabs connect, but Yuta avoids the final shot. We see BCC watching from the crowd. Back body drop by Yuta as he stomps away at BEEF in the corner. He traps the arms for added damage, before delivering the hammer and anvil elbows. Cattle mutilation locked in, and BEEF has to tap.


Here is your Winner: Wheeler Yuta

This was a squash but I just have a feeling Yuta is going to turn on Danielson on Dynamite.



Daivari cheap shots OC in the early goings, as Nese joins in for the double team. OC and Kyle turn the tables and get a series of strikes on Nese, leading to a double dropkick. Kyle drops a knee off the apron to Daivari, but Nese comes in with a suicide dive to the outside, as does OC. Nese traps OC in the ring skirting and dropkicks him, before sending him into the barricade.



Daivari tags in, whipping Orange into the buckles. Knee drop connects for 2. Mark Sterling chokes out OC on the middle rope while the referee is distracted. Nese gets OC in the tree of woe, then has an abs workout, with bicycle kicks to OC while doing twisting crunches. Daivari tags in, gets OC on his shoulders, but Orange slips out and shoves him to the floor. Nese and Daivari both block OC from tagging in Kyle, but Orange makes it to his corner somehow. O’Reilly tags in, knee lift to Daivari, kitchen sink to Nese and a slap to the face. Running forearm in the corner and a back suplex to Daivari, followed by a kneebar until Nese breaks it up.


Guillotine applied by O’Reilly, but Daivari comes back with a uranage and Nese hits a 450 for the 1, 2, OC breaks it up. Nese tries to clothesline O’Reilly but Kyle ducks it, and Nese takes out Daivari. Satellite DDT to Nese, Nese counters it but can’t counter the stundog millionaire. O’Reilly in, Nese hits the big shoulderbreaker. Orange Punch misses, but the Satellite DDT connects as Nese was looking for the shoulderbreaker again. Josh Woods tries to get involved but Rocky Romero puts a stop to that! Mark Sterling low blows Romero, and starts beating up Romero along with Josh Woods, but the music of Mark Briscoe hits! Briscoe and Woods go toe to toe on the ramp, heading backstage, leaving Mark Sterling in the ring for OC and O’Reilly. Orange nails him with a right hand, but Nese rolls up OC! 1, 2, no. Orange Punch connects, O’Reilly chokes out Daivari, and OC hits the Beach Break for the 1, 2, 3.


Here is your Winners: The Conglomeration


Its still a no from me for The Conglomeration. I just don’t see the point.




Hurracanranas and tijeras galore as Hologram and Komander kick us off in style. Wayne and Andretti are left in the ring, headscissors and a dropkick connects for Andretti, followed by a bottom rope springboard tornillo. Komander walks the ropes, eventually nails a headscissors on Hologram. Hologram comes right back with a crazy tijeras, sending Komander to the outside. He goes for a dive, but Nick Wayne sweeps the legs. Andretti flips to the outside and nails a senton off the apron. Andretti with an Asai moonsault takes out Komander and Wayne.


Back in the ring, Wayne hits a suplex on Andretti, and follows with a Kurt Angle-esque pirouette to celebrate. Komander gets tossed to the floor as Wayne focuses on Hologram, and we head to commercial. Back from break, Hologram flips out of some offense, steps off the chest of Andretti, and hits a stereo DDT/side slam and a suicide dive to the outside. He goes up top, 450 connects on Wayne for a 2 count. Standing switches from Hologram and Wayne, Komander in to take both men down with a tijeras. Springboard hurracanrana connects too! Andretti knocks Komander down, misses a springboard 450, but the Spanish Fly connects for 2.


Wayne shoves Andretti to the outside. Mexican Destroyer from Komander on Hologram! All four men are down. Tiger feint kick to the legs of Hologram, following by a massive springboard poisonrana. Komander walks the ropes, shooting star press! Wayne rolls him up for 2. Wayne’s World! Andrettu in with a brainbuster on Wayne. Hologram slips and slides into an enziguri but runs into a right hand. Hologram with an airplane spin into a Blue Thunder Bomb! 1, 2, 3!


Here is your Winner: Hologram

The future sure is bright for AEW and these four men. If you love this style of match then you will love this. Pure athleticism. Genuinely so so good. Hologram is now 13-0. What is the end goal for this one? A cruiserweight title would work so well for AEW.



Lynn goes for Statlander at the bell, but Kris quickly turns the tables and lifts her into a military press. Staturday Night Fever connects for the 1, 2, 3.


Here is your Winner: Kris Statlander


Mercedes Mone appears post-match. She says Stat is going to find out what happens when you mess with Mercedes Mone. Kamille enters the ring…and Statlander goes for her! Kamille knocks her back, and hits the Road to Damascus as Mone looks on.

Statlander v Mone and Britt v Mariah May? Womens division is cooking.



Winners will challenge the Young Bucks at Wrestle Dream next Saturday. Zay and Dante begin this one, working to an early stalemate. They tag in their partners, and both teams go face to face. Private Party hit stereo dropkicks and stereo tope suicidas. House of Black go for dives too, but slide outside instead, clubbing Private Party. Quen goes for a dive and meets a big boot from Black. Zay goes for a dive instead, but gets caught by both Black and Matthews, who slam him hard into the ring apron. Dante gets tossed into the barricade as the path of destruction continues for the House of Black.


Running big boot by Black to Dante. Matthews tags in Black, running PK to Quen and a knee drop connects for 2. Back elbow knocks Quen down again, 1, 2, no. Matthews tags in and delivers some uppercuts, goes for a suplex, but Quen counters into small package for a quick 1 count. Dante tags in and hits a crossbody, followed by a tijeras on Matthews, and a Meteora on Black. Up top, frog splash to Quen gets 2 until Zay breaks it up.


Gamengiri by Quen connects, giving him some space. Zay and Darius tag in, big chop from Darius. Twist of Fate is shrugged off, Manhattan drop from Darius, cutter from Zay across the top rope! Springboard flatliner connects from Darius. Silly String! Malakai Black tags in, but Budy Matthews tags himself in instead. House of Black double teaming ensues with a series of strikes on all opponents. Dante fights both men off, X-factor from Zay! Fisherman’s buster by Darius, Black Mass from Black. Matthews is on the top rope, shrugs off the Gin and Juice. Matthews hits the Jackhammer and Black follows up with a double stomp for the 1, 2, NO.


House of Black heads outside but Dante takes them out with a dive. Zay dives off the back off Quen with a tope con hilo, taking out everyone. Dante is reeling on the ropes, Gin and Juice connects! 1, 2, 3.


Here is your Winners: Private Party


We didn’t even need to watch this to know who won. I love AEW but sometimes the predictability is just a bit too much. Fully expect to see Private Party lose the title match. Bucks will hold these titles until there is a genuine tag team who can compete. And right now we don’t have one.


And that is all for this weeks AEW action. Thanks for joining me and see you next week guys.


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