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Dynamite 250 Review and Reaction

Episode 250 of Dynamite and what a ride it has been. Iconic debuts have happened on Dynamite ranging from Sting to the Inner Circle. Champion crowned and competitors injured. There is high hopes for this episode of Dynamite but with high hopes comes the possibility of greater disappointment. With five announced segments that allots 24 min each so much can happen in 24 min. Taz, Schiavone, and Excalibur are on commentary. Is this an inconsistency with story or will there be an explanation on why Taz is there with Jericho in the building.

I don't know what those in attendance seen before the show but kicking off TV with MJF against Ospreay is spectacular. The stare down to start the match is smoldering. MJF pulling the nice heel tactic by going out to the fans and being a prick to them. Once they start up properly MJF and Ospreay exchange some face paced action. Very impressive from both more so from MJF as this is not his style. Looks like a bit of a stinger for Ospreay as MJF threw him into the corner. The eagle eyed views can see MJF talk to Will Ospreay as he is in a headlock. MJF gets a two count off a stunner. Ospreay gets control with a handspring over the top rope. Max wisely gets out of the way when Ospreay signals for the Hidden Blade. MJF fakes a knee injury to lure Ospreay into a piledriver. Very nice. MJF mouths Daniel Garcia thru the tv. That is keeping a feud for them alive. MJF locks in a figure four. Will eventually turns over putting the pressure on MJF; MJF is able to do the same. Nice to see the Figure Four used that way as many will just release it after the first turn over. Ospreay crumbles selling the leg injury. MJF will then focus his attack on that injured leg. Torture rack spun into a Liger Bomb by Ospreay makes it look like no injuries. Commentary is talking about humanity in the South. Well, if you are from the South you know humidity don't mean a darn thing inside a building with AC. Well while they commentators were having their asinine conversation the wrestlers went into the stands. MJF threw a second fans drink this time into the face of Ospreay. Ospreay puts MJF into the trash can. Ospreay breaks the count that was well over 10. Random note I can notice 4 independent wrestlers on the time keepers side of the ring. They wrestle in the Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas area. Back to the action Ospreay does an Oscutter off the barricade. Will reverses a CrossRhodes and executes one of his own. A hammer lock DDT by MJF after that. Is this going to be a spot fest of wrestlers finishers who departed AEW? Ospreay throws MJF off when he goes for a Heat Seeker. Nearfall with a lariat off the ropes. Stylesclash on the apron. both men return to the outside. Doc Sampson reset Ospreay's shoulder. Hidden Blade from between the middle and top ropes as MJF was on the outside. I don't know if he still feels like the smartest wrestler after that. Spectacular move. I don't want this match to end but when it does I want it to be a time limit draw. There was another Syles Clash this time an avalanche version. MJF grabs the ropes to break that pin. Heat Seeker with MJF on the outside. MJF drops onto Will Ospreay putting him thru the table. MJF has gotten a huge bruise on his outer thigh. Kangaroo kick missed by MJF. Ospreay used that to launch him into the corner for a Cheeky Nandos. Nearlu an hour into the match and the two guys take it up another notch. This is why both men deserve respect. Ospreay hits an Oscutter with MJF sitting on the top rope. It is followed by a hidden blade. Two count. Ospreay missed another Hidden Blade. At the one minute remaining mark Ospreay does his Tiger Driver tease. MJF hits Ospreay with something and wins with 1 second left. MJF is the NEW International Champion. Both men get iced down after the match. MJF even gets some oxygen. Not a good scene for the winner.

The Acclaied are added to Blood and Guts.

Jericho is just seeking the heat. Feeding the hate of those who want him to retire. Then He rehashes the three people he "injured" over the last three weeks. Minoru Suzuki answers the call on who would not listen to the Learning Tree. Episode 251 will see Suzuki against Jericho for the FTW title. Big Bill and Bryan Keith banned from ringside.

Also Taz being in the arena was not addressed.

30 min time limit. Will it even get close? Britt Baker is banned from backstage. Nyla manhandles Mone in the begining of the match. This dominate showing by Nyla does allow her to get a near fall. Lets be honest though, the first loss for Mone will be Brit Baker at a PPV. Mercedes Mone has gotten only small amounts of offense in the entire match. Horrible looking fall off the top rope when Mone kicked Rose's ankle. Meteora almost retains for Mone. Bulldog off the top ropes by Mone. Mercedes Mone hooks in a Lock Jaw mocking DMD. Statement Maker does cause Nyla Rose to tap out. The match went about 15 mins. Britt Baker is dressed in a Sting mask. She chases Mone around the ring before security keeps them apart.

Mariah May addressed the fans while dressed as Timeless Toni Storm. May just says it was inevitable. She says she choose Wembley because it was the biggest stage to take the old horse out. Not a bad promo. Shocking no interference.

The Main Event of the Evening with 8 min of TV time remaining. A series of headlocks and head takedowns starts the match. Each man goes for their finishers early in the match. For the first time tonight competitor exchange punches back and forth. DDT on the floor to Swerve. Okada has taken control and is disrespectfully hitting Swerve with is boot and slapping him. Swerve pays that back with a nasty headbutt. Swerve then hits a flatliner and rolls over into a slam. Okada rakes the eyes of swerve. Airraid neck breaker from Okada. Swerve starts to lay in some blows on Okada, but Okada stops that with one of his beautiful dropkicks. Backbreaker into a powerslam on Okada. That was a rough transition. Swerve Stomp from the Rainmaker Position. The Young Bucks hit the ring causing the DQ. All of the Blood and Guts participants hit the ring. A House Call leaves Swerve standing proudly in the ring before Hangman Adam Page's music hits. Security breaks up the fight. Darby comes in from the rafters just like Sting. Mark Briscoe helps get Darby free from the rigging.


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