Well unlike Rampage Collision started off with a celebration.
A nice reset to the tag team division.

Shameless plugging of a holiday. Harley Cameron has horrible cat face paint. Thunder Rosa has a nice entrance. Her outfit is also spectacular. The priestess had photo of Harley Cameron. The picture then just got put on an alter. Cameron knocks Thunder Rosa down but Rosa gets right back up. Styrofoam tombstone broken over Cameron's head. Thunder Rosa attempts a bit of an old school using the barricades but Harley knocks her down. Nice artwork on the slab of wood. Harley Cameron is looking good compared to her origins in AEW. Two count off a lung blower. Cameron uses the pinata to smack Thunder Rosa. Cameron almost gets the win after a suplex smashes Thunder Rosa into Styrofoam. Thunder Rosa dosges a flying knee and then starts to use the weapons. Rosa uses a table as a ramp to drop kick Harley Cameron who was seated in the corner with a trash can on her. Thunder Rosa wins.

Kyle Fletcher is looking good in that black and gold new gear. As Kyle Fletcher put it tonight was the debut of his thighs. This will eventually be used against him like he used it against Komander. Fletcher with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Komander does not look good coming off his win on Rampage. Tree of Woe on Komander. Fletcher just kicks him. When the ref breaks it up Fletcher just taunts. Crucifix pin by Komander almost steals the win. Komander is then able to kick up the speed of the match. Massive chips by the smaller Komander. Komander's playing around on the ropes gets him shoved into the barricade. Kyle Fletcher takes back control. Kyle kicks Alex Abrahantes. this distraction gives Komander another flurry of offense that ends in a Spanish Fly. Fletcher nearly wins with a massive Aussie bomb. Tiger driver averted by Komander. Fletcher has a little blood on his face it looks. Komander holds onto a poison rana from inside the ropes to outside. Komander has turned that shit start around to a very competitive match. Massive Code Red from Komander. If you did not watch this episode definitely go find that code red. Sheer Drop Brain Buster by Fletcher. No pin. Turnbuckle Brain Buster by Kyle Fletcher for the win.
Lance Archer and Brain Cage have a squash match. If these two do not get a title shot eventually then it would be a waste. At least Tony Khan is booking the two men as proper monster.
From setting up a match for next week to Mox cutting a promo. After talking up Philedaphia and Wheeler Yuta, Action Andretti interupts which leads to a once sided match against PAC.. Pac Dominated the match Action Andretti would get some moves in but it was a forgone conclusion with the numbers and attack from behind. After Pac put Andretti away with the Brutalizer this promo was cut.
I could not find a match graphic for Lio Rush against Ari Davari. So does that tell you about how AEW feels about putting these two men on the match? Davari never wins on AEW TV. Tony Schiavone does call it a tough match. Lio hits a Falcon Arrow and almost wins. Lio Springboard Cutter sets up a Frog Splash for the victory.

Shane Taylor Promotion has the numbers advantage. Shane does not give a clean break from the ropes. MJF is seen watching the match on a monitor. Shane Taylor is showing he has the power advantage of Roderick Strong. I don't kow who had the harder first opponent on the race to three victories. A shoulder breaker brings Strong back in the hard way. Strong with a series of flying forearms takes Shane Taylor down. Roderick Strong with an Olympic slam gets a two count. Shane Taylor almost puts a kink in the plans of Strong with a two count after a massive splash. A knee lift wins the match for Strong.

The ladies start of with exchanging slaps in the corner. Anna Jay is looking good especially since she won the eliminator match. Jay wish a swinging neckbreaker does not let Mariah May get much offense in during the first part of the match. A buckle bomb changes the course of the river. Anna Jay is able to turn things around and slam Mariah May from corner to corner. Shotgun Drop Kick. May pins with a one. Anna Jay pins and gets a two. Anna Jay follows up with a backstabber. Queenslayer locked in. Mariah May refuses to tap out. May almost passes out but turns it into a two count. Roll Up by May for the win.