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Backstage Update On Drew McIntyre's WWE Future

We at Real Rasslin have come to learn

With his current WWE contract due to expire around WrestleMania XL time some reports starting before 'Mania, others starting shortly after 'Mania there's now somewhat of an update on Drew McIntyre's status with the market leader.

WWE sources note how the company is working on the idea that Drew McIntyre will be re-signing with them before his existing deal is up. As an indicator of that, the Scottish Warrior is now being advertised for a WWE live event in Bologna, Italy on 1st May. That event takes place just three days before WWE Backlash from the LDLC Arena in Lyon-Decines, France.

This latest report adds how both WWE and Drew McIntyre are keen to strike a deal for the two-time WWE Champion to remain with the promotion, although nothing official has been signed as of yet.

Big Drew McIntyre’s current run with WWE is his second with the company commenced in 2017, with him initially heading to NXT before cementing himself a spot on the main roster the following year. An extremely successful spell for DM Hunk, the Scot has since gone on to win the Royal Rumble, win the WWE Title on two occasions, and have a run with the Raw Tag Team Championships with Dolph Ziggler.

At present, Drew McIntyre is on career-best form, heading to WWE Elimination Chamber in Perth, Australia in just over a week, where he's the favourite to win the men's Chamber match and secure himself a spot against World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins at WrestleMania XL.

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