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Craig Inglis

AEW WrestleDream 2024 Review

Hello everyone, I am one half of your Irn Bruiserweights bringing you your AEW WrestleDream Review. So let's get into it.



A shoulder block from Cage takes Atlantis down. Atlantis tries a tijeras but Cage tosses him away. Spinebuster connects as Cage asks who’s better than him. Cage keeps Atlantis grounded, before whipping him into the buckles and prostrating himself over the top rope. Saito suplex, cover for 2. Atlantis attempts a comeback, but a jumping knee strike catches him off guard. Boot from Atlantis and a diving hurracanrana, followed by a Tijeras and a dropkick as Atlantis gets back into things. Gamengiri, top rope crossbody connects, followed by a tope suicida to the outside. Back in the ring, cover, 1, 2, no.

Powerslam on Cage, 1, 2, no. Cage comes back with a gamengiri, then delivers the big suplex from the apron but just gets a 2. Low DDT connects for another 2. Cage transitions into a pumphandle facebuster, 1, 2, NO. Atlantis is up, gets him in the corner, up on his shoulders, and a reverse Blue Thunder Bomb for 2!  A roaring lariat attempt is blocked by an Atlantis thrust kick. Frog splash, 1, 2, no. Avalanche Liger Bomb from Cage! Goes for the Drillclaw, but Atlantis rolls him up, 1, 2, no. Roaring lariat connects! DRILLCLAW. 1, 2, 3!

Official Winner and NEW ROH World TV Champion - Brian Cage

Official thoughts – Spotty but a good start to the show. Nice surprise to get us kicked off.

MxM Collection are backstage, here to say that their third man is anything but ugly, and together they will end scissoring forever. The third man…is RICO!! Rico says ‘You look so good to me’. Big pop.


Cameron snapmares Anna in the early goings. Drop toe hold follows, but Anna fights back with some right hands and a shoulder tackle. Anna positions Cameron in the corner and looks for an Iconoclasm, but Cameron shoves her away and hits a crossbody. Axe kick misses, allowing Anna to lock in the Queenslayer briefly over the ropes. Dropkick to the back sends Cameron to the floor, where Anna continues the assault with a suplex. She wrenches back on Harley over the ringpost, but then Harley uses leg strength to pull Jay into the post. Back in the ring, a back elbow from Cameron gets a 2. Side Russian legsweep connects as Harley gets another 2. Straitjacket applied, but Jay worked out of it. Hits a wheelkick in the corner and a flipping neckbreaker for 2.

Cameron with a step up enziguri and a running knee, 1, 2, no. Inside cradle from Anna gets a 2. Sole Food sort of connects for Cameron, 1, 2, no. Kick to the back of the legs on the middle rope from Anna, Gory Bomb! 1, 2, 3.

Official Winner - Anna Jay

Official thoughts – Decent action, without feeling heated. Nice finish and Anna looked great, with Cameron gamely holding her own.


Rico touches tips with Mansoor and Mason as they make their entrance. Max Caster makes a P Diddy reference in his rap, eek. Mansoor stacks up Bowens for the early pin attempt, then strikes a pose. Spinning DDT connects for Bowens, as Mansoor tags in Mason, as Bowens tags in Caster. Caster tries a couple of shoulder blocks until Mason shows him how it’s done. Diving shoulder tackle from Caster connects, Bowens in as the Acclaimed start a double team train in the corner. Caster is sent to the outside, where Rico hits him with a spinkick to the midsection. Atomic drop and a big hip attack from MxM knock Caster flat on his back. The side slam/leg drop combination gets 2 for MxM Collection. Caster gets a DDT on Mason and makes the tag to Bowens. Strike combos and the Fameasser on Mansoor, one to Mason too. Rock Paper Scissors Shoot connects on Mansoor, but Mansoor hits an enziguri in response. Elbow from Bowens goes for another Fameasser, but MxM Collection hits a leg lariat Hart Attack for 2 until Caster breaks it up.

Running knee on Mansoor, tag to Caster, who dives into a chokeslam by Mason, with Mansoor leaping to assist with a ZigZag. MxM touch tips as they are in control. Scissor me Timbers attempt from MxM but Bowens sweeps the legs, crotching Mansoor. Caster grounds Mason and Mansoor gets thrown head first into the crotch of Mason. Scissor Me Timbers connects on Mansoor, but Mason pulls Caster to the floor. Bowens low bridges the rope to send both MxM members to the floor and follows with a diving crossbody from the top rope. Rico tries to get involved now, so Billy Gunn appears behind him. He catches the spin kick and hits the Fameasser. Mansoor walks into the Arrival, and Caster follows with the Mic Drop for the 1, 2, and 3.

Official Winners - The Acclaimed

Official thoughts – Pretty good stuff here, would have been right at home on the main card. MxM are still a ton of fun to watch, and I’d love to see them getting some serious wins soon so they aren’t relegated to jobber status.

Mercedes Mone shows up backstage, demanding her own dressing room. Queen Aminata is there, telling her how rude she’s being. The CEO warns her to stay out of her face. Aminata is not impressed.

Tony Schiavone stands on the stage to say that they are here to celebrate Antonio Inoki. He welcomes Tony Khan and the grandsons of Inoki. Tony Khan thanks them for coming and says this show is inspired by Antonio Inoki, and he wants everyone to join in the Inoki chant of Ichi Ni San Da! It doesn’t quite go to plan, but it’s a nice sentiment.


Nese and Magnum start this one out, but Nese takes a cheap shot. Magnum comes back with a dropkick and an arm drag, followed by a tijeras! O’Reilly tags in as does Alex Reynolds. They trade holds, kitchen sink from O’Reilly and OC tags in, dropping a casual elbow. They duoble team Silver now, before OC suplexes Reynolds for 2. Floyd is in with some mounted punches to Reynolds, before Magnum takes over. O’Reilly does the same, and now here comes Cassidy, just for one punch.

Double team suplex from the Conglomeration, Uno attacks OC at ringside, and Josh Woods jumps in too. Reynolds brings Orange back in the ring for a 2 count. Premier Athletes deliver some quick tags and double team offense, before Dark Order do the same. OC sends Reynolds to the outside, Daivari receives a boot to the face, Nese eats a tornado DDT, and now OC makes the tag to Floyd to a nice pop. Body slams galore! Outrunners body slam each other on top of the Premier Athletes. Magnum gets sent to the outside after some Josh Woods interference. Silver with a German on Floyd, Daivari up top for a frog splash on Floyd for 2. O’Reilly takes out the Dark Order with a series of strikes, Daivari nails a DDT on him though. Daivari with right hands to Turbo Floyd, but Floyd hulks up! Lariat. OC in for the Orange Punch, 1, 2, Mark Sterling breaks it up! Sterling is sent into the ring, and the Conglomeration hits him with the High-Low. OC dives onto the Dark Order on the outside. Meanwhile, the Outrunners hit the double team powerslam combo for the 1, 2, 3.

Official Winners - The Outrunners & The Conglomeration

Official thoughts – Enjoyable work from each of these guys, which further gave the Outrunners a good spotlight. Fast pace, all-out action, and another fine match to send us into the PPV.

Renee Paquette is backstage with Kazuchika Okada, who doesn’t have a match tonight but came here to support the Elite. Kyle O’Reilly rocks up to show respect, but they’ve never faced before and he wants a match with Okada. Okada says he’ll think about it…Hell no…bitch. O’Reilly gets it, next time he’ll try a different approach…O’Reilly attacks! Security breaks it up and Christopher Daniels shows up to eject them both from the building.



Page backs White into the corner, where White tries to poke the eyes, firing Page up. Page with clobbering blows, and the crowd is already rabid. Dropkick to the knee by White, who continues the assault on the leg with some leg tweaks. He slingshots Hangman into the bottom rope and covers for 2. Page tosses White to the apron and nails the springboard clothesline to knock White to the floor. Back in the ring, a big boot keeps White on the canvas. Fallaway slam into the turnbuckles! 1 count as White is right by the ropes and can easily break the pin.

Page hits a swinging sleeper slam on White for a 2 count. White tries to mount a comeback, but Page counters with some big right hands. Page sets up for the Buckshot lariat, but Jay escapes to the opposite corner to avoid it. White goes for the knee again and hits an exploder into the buckles. Running uppercut in the corner from White, lighting up Page with some chops. Desperation DDT from White gets 2. Page goes for a suplex, avoids a German and hits a lariat, but runs into a deadlift German from White.

Both men head to the top rope, and Page gouges the eyes of White to knock him back. White chops him, dropping him backwards in a tree of woe, dangling to the outside…and Jay digs his thumbs in the eyes in retaliation. Both men on the apron, Death Valley Driver on the apron from Hangman! He sets up again for the Buckshot Lariat, but White isn’t in position. White clings to the rope gets punched away, and runs into a big elbow strike. White up again, and hits a dragon screw over the middle rope. Page catches a hurracanrana attempt, powerbombs White into the apron, and then again into the steel steps!

Page takes his belt off, but White spits his gum at him. Page takes a swing, White ducks and nails an atomic drop on the edge of the ramp, jarring the knee of Page! White sends him back into the ring, dragon screws the leg again. They counter each other until White hits a uranage for 2. Page goes for the DeadEye, and tries a lowblow, but White instead hits a suplex. Bladerunner countered into the Deadeye! But the knee took the brunt of it, so he can’t cover. Buckshot Lariat attempt, can’t because of the leg! He tries again, but White is waiting for him! BLADERUNNER! 1, 2, 3!

Official Winner - Jay White

Official thoughts – Super opener! Loved White’s leg work here, sporadically taking shots whenever he could, and it ultimately paid off as Page wasn’t able to land his final shot, allowing White to capitalize at the last moment. Damn good stuff.


Willow cartwheels out of some offence in the corner, but May meets her with a dropkick. May fishhooks Willow in the ropes, but Willow comes right back with a Pounce! Willow ascends the buckles and May sweeps the legs to put a stop to whatever the challenger had in mind. May comes off the ropes with another dropkick for a 1 count. She grabs the hair and slams Willow backwards into the canvas, staying in firm control with some right hands. Willow bites the ear of May! Willow comes back off the ropes, grabs the hair, and similarly slams Mariah back into the canvas. Clothesline and a thrust kick connects for Willow, spinebuster, 1, 2, no. Babe with the Powerbomb attempt, blocked. German suplex connects for May, pretty low, but enough to get a 2 count.

Willow hooks the legs and locks in a modified Indian Death Lock. May tries to slap her way out of it, but Willow grabs her head and slams May’s head into her knee. Cannonball connects! Willow up top, but the moonsault press misses. May heads up top instead, shotgun dropkick. May Day! 1, 2, NO, Willow gets the shoulder up. May is thinking Storm Zero, Willow counters, but May with a misdirection headbutt, only for Willow to come back with a desperation lariat.

May with the Powerbomb countered again, and DVD countered into a victory roll for 2. Willow hits a DVD into the corner, 1, 2, NO. Willow catches the hurracanrana attempt and pulls May up for a powerbomb off the top!! But May does indeed counter it and then hit the Storm Zero for the 1, 2, 3.

Official Winner and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion - Mariah May

Official thoughts – This built up to a strong climax, with Willow ALMOST getting that big move on May to get the job done, only for May to counter and go straight to the final shot, busting out the Storm Zero again to seal the deal. That last minute or two was sweet.


Shibata quickly grounds Perry, who slips to the outside to regroup. Test of strength lockup, Perry muscles Shibata over until the challenger turns the tables again. Perry once again heads to the floor, Shibata chases and runs into a cheap attack as they head back inside the ring. Perry kicks Shibata in the back, but Shibata shrugs it up. Shoulder thrusts to the midsection, Perry goes for some chops but gouges the eye instead. They trade strikes, with Shibata lighting up the chest of Jack Perry. Uppercuts follow, Shibata with a kick, and Perry comes back with a lariat. Vertical suplex from Shibata and both men are down.

Perry spits in the face of Shibata, but the challenger is unperturbed. He sits cross legged and welcomes the kicks from Perry, rolling back into a big kick of his own. Crazy chops in the corner, but he misses the corner dropkick. Perry drags him to the floor, but NO Shibata counters with a suplex INTO the ring apron. Shibata with elbows in the corner, running corner dropkick connects, and a front chancery suplex for 2. Perry is clutching his leg, which may have been knocked badly on that apron suplex. Shibata kicks to the face, snapmare kicks to the chest, but Perry catches it and transitions into the Snare Trap. Shibata makes it to the ropes. Perry drags him out to the apron and drops him to the floor with an apron DDT, then shoves him back in the ring for a 2 count.

Perry goes for the running knee, and Shibata catches him. Death Valley Driver! And a second across the knee. Perry tries to counter the sleeper, but Shibata grapevines the legs and falls backwards…and Perry pins him! 1, 2, 3!

Official Winner and STILL AEW TNT Champion - Jack Perry

Official thoughts – This had a pretty lacklustre build and the match itself didn’t save things. While the middle portion was getting decent, that finish is rather lame. I don’t see Shibata falling for something like that – he’s named The Wrestler for a reason, and ‘accidentally’ getting pinned doesn’t sit right with me.

Perry attacks Shibata post-match until the music of Daniel Garcia hits. Garcia rushes to the ring and comes face to face with Perry before Perry backs off and leaves the ring.

THE MUSIC OF MAXWELL JACOB FRIEDMAN HITS! MJF is indeed here! MJF makes a beeline straight for Daniel Garcia but calls for his music to be cut. MJF and Garcia get in each other’s faces, but Jack Perry comes from behind to clock Garcia with the belt. Now MJF takes off his jacket, pleased that Garcia is lying prone at his feet. Right hands from Maxwell.

MJF takes a mic and says he beat Garcia the last time he saw him, and then went on to make millions in movies. The crowd boo and he says that’s what a star reaction sounds like. MJF found the Dynamite Diamond Ring in a pawn shop and he pulls it out of his pocket, threatening to make Garcia kiss it.


Adam Cole is here! He rushes the ring, but MJF hightails it into the crowd. Cole locks eyes with Friedman as the crowd singalong with Cole’s signature pose. Cole stretches out the hand and pulls Garcia to his feet. As Cole makes his way up the ramp, he says he promises that MJF is a deadman.


Ospreay and Ricochet immediately target Takeshita as the bell rings. Haha, Takeshita says ‘stop targeting me!’ Now Ricochet and Ospreay go at it, and we get the moonsault flip standoff, but Takeshita comes right back in with a dropkick to both guys to send them flying NICE. Takeshita sends Ricochet into the steel steps and Ospreay into the barricade. DDT to Ricochet on the floor! And Takeshita pulls out a table. Oh God if someone gets Bastard Drivered through it like in the G1, I’m gonna lose it! Takeshita takes Ricochet onto the apron, elbow to the back of the neck. He looks for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Ricochet avoids it. Takeshita staggers back towards the table but avoids the next shot.  Takeshita gets sent to the opposite side of the ring and falls over the ropes. Ricochet with a Sasuke Special, CAUGHT…Ospreay comes in with one of his own to take out both men!

Springboard forearm knocks Takeshita down, and Ospreay continues with some chops. Ricochet positions Ospreay by Takeshita, and hits a flatliner on Takeshita, which DDTs Ospreay at the same time. Standing SSP gets a 2. Ricochet kicks Takeshita away and goes for a leaping flatliner but Takeshita meets him with a huge right hand. Ospreay comes back with a somersault kick to take out both men. This is already absolute madness. Osoreay to the apron near the table…he tries to suplex Takeshita, and Takeshita joins him on the apron. All three are on the apron now. Oscutter attempt, Ricochet catches it. Ospreay springboards off Richochet’s back, and Takeshita is there to catch him with a DVD! Meteora to Takeshita from Ricochet!

Takeshita is lying prone on the table. Spanish Fly from Ospreay on Richochet in the ring gets 2. Stormbreaker attempt, Ricochet counters into a hurracanrana for 2. Hidden Blade is caught, backslide bomb! 1, 2, no. Ricochet up top, 450 misses, powerbomb by Ospreay straight into the Styles Clash, 1, 2, Takeshita makes the save.

Takeshita flips Ospreay and nails the Bastard Driver! German suplex to boot, and a Blue Thunder Bomb to Ricochet, 1, 2, NO. All three men are down and Tacoma is going wild. Big right hand to Ospreay from Takeshita. Ospreay and Ricochet slap hands in a momentary alliance and they tee off on Takeshita. They knock him down, but Takeshita takes off his elbow pad and gets back to his feet with a big right hand and a kick to take both guys down again. Ospreay inadvertently hits Ospreay with an enziguri. Oscutter on Takeshita, caught, lariat to Ospreay but he flips and lands on his feet! Spanish Fly! Ricochet meets them with a springboard 450!! 1, 2, NO! Good LORD the athleticism is insane.

Ospreay and Ricochet to the top now, and Ospreay gets shoved to the apron. Ricochet on Takeshita’s shoulders, springboard Doomsday device from Tak and Ospreay! No, Ric lands on his feet! Poisonranas were traded by both Ricochet and Ospreay. Takeshita grabs them both for a DOUBLE German suplex. Takeshita nails a tope con hilo on both guys on the outside, returning to the ring to lariat Ricochet, 1, 2, no.

Big boot in the corner from Takeshita, and he sits Ricochet on the top rope. Enziguri from Ospreay, who ascends by Ricochet…Ospreay hurracanranas Ricochet off the top, into a powerbomb by Takeshita, but Ricochet rolls through into a victory roll for 2. Ospreay is thinking Hidden Blade but Ricochet cuts it off and heads up top, Shooting Star! Powerdrive Knee from Takeshita, 1, 2, NO! Takeshita points at the table, heads to the apron and lifts Ricochet and Enziguri to escape. Axe kick to the back of the head by Ricochet! BASTARD DRIVER OFF THE APRON THROUGH THE TABLE!!! HE DID THE DEAL!

Ospreay meets Takeshita with a Hidden Blade. ONE COUNT. Another Hidden Blade, 1, 2, Don Callis pulls the ref out of the ring! Callis has the screwdriver, he goes to hit Ospreay with it but Ospreay catches him. Ospreay is thinking Tiger Driver on Callis! But a man in a hoodie is here to attack Ospreay and it’s Kyle Fletcher! That sunnavagun! Powerdrive Knee connects on Ospreay. 1, 2, 3.

Official Winner and NEW AEW International Champion - Konosuke Takeshita

Official thoughts – Oh come on, TELL ME you watched that and didn’t lose your shit! That was absolute insanity. Yes, selling takes a backseat, but the athleticism was on another level here and this is the best example of this kind of matchup. Some of those three-way spots were just so creative and I’d applaud these guys simply for even coming up with the ideas. If there’s a wilder match of this ilk this year, I’ll be shocked.

Kyle Fletcher hooks the arms of Will Ospreay after the match and delivers the Tiger Driver, as Ospreay convulses in agony on the mat.

Backstage, Jerry Lynn wants to talk to Orange Cassidy. He’s seen OC step up when needed. With all the chaos around here, if OC wanted to, if he tried, OC could be the man. Hook shows up and says that Orange IS the man.

Prince Nana is here to shill He now wants to introduce his boss…WHOSE HOUSE? Swerve Strickland makes his return and heads to the ring, as some big time pyro goes off behind Swerve.

Swerve takes the mic as ‘Welcome Home’ chants fill the arena. He says it feels weird being here without the World title around his waist. He’ll cut to the chase on his medical update. It’s a little wobbly, he still gets tingling in his neck, and everything he said about Danielson he’s feeling himself now…karma is a mug. That said, he is medically cleared!

He tries to continue, but here comes MVP and Shelton Benjamin, as MVP wants to address his future. Swerve hasn’t answered his emails or DMs, so clearly he must be in deep contemplation regarding his future. MVP says he has a history with Swerve, they go way back, and he believed in Swerve before Swerve believed in himself. MVP says Swerve’s career is floundering right now. One thing MVP excels at is taking former champions and helping them re-ascend to the mountain top. So now that he’s here, why don’t they talk business?

Swerve says MVP gave him great advice in 2017. Remember when Swerve beat him in Defy? Swerve was inspired by MVP, just as Shelton Benjamin was. Benjamin paved the way for guys like him to do what they do, for black wrestlers to do what they do – that’s all because of guys like Benjamin. Swerve agrees that the last few months haven’t been that good to him and Nana. Since being with Nana over the past few months, he lost his home and his title. But on the other hand, he wouldn’t have had those things in the first place if it wasn’t for Nana.

Swerve is torn. He likes having power more than anybody. Swerve gets irked by some things about Nana, and calls him out on selling weed to kids in parking lots. The biggest thing though is that Nana is family. Swerve doesn’t turn his back on family for anybody. As far as he is concerned, MVP can shove his business cards up his ass.

Benjamin gets in Swerve’s face and says they weren’t asking, they were telling him that he’s either with them or against them. Benjamin looks to take his jacket off, but referees swarm them and hold everyone back. MVP takes Benjamin back up the ramp, attempting to cool Shelton down.

Excalibur tells us that Tony Khan has booked Mercedes Mone vs Queen Aminata this Wednesday on Dynamite for the TBS Championship, based on their interactions earlier tonight.


Hologram gets tossed into the corner and slapped. Impressive armdrags, both guys go for some Tijeras, but neither can get an advantage. Thrust kick from Hologram, baits in Mortos and tosses him overhead to the floor. Suicide dive connects. Reverse slingblade from Mortos, followed by the pop-up Samoan Drop for 2. Both men head to the top rope, and Mortos goes for the top rope powerslam, but Hologram counters with a hurracanrana. Back to the ropes, walks the top rope, and dives into the Crucifix Bomb to pick up the 1, 2, 3.

Winner of the first fall: Hologram (3:47)

Hologram charges and gets pounced out of the ring. Tornillo through the ropes from Mortos. Mortos press slams Hologram on the outside, throwing him onto the ramp. Back to the ring, covered by Mortos, 1, 2, no. Headbutt connects, followed by a release belly to belly suplex into the turnbuckle. He inverts Hologram into a tree of woe and spears him. Mortos goes for another, but Hologram sits up to avoid it, and hits a moonsault to the outside, connecting with a reverse DDT on the way down.

Back in the ring, Hologram hits a poisonrana and tries to lift Mortos but can’t do it. Mortos catches him with an Argentine backbreaker, and a powerbomb on the knee, followed by a discus lariat. 1, 2, 3.

Winner of the second fall: The Beast Mortos (8:54)

Another discus lariat connects as the third fall begins, 1, 2, no. Enziguri to Mortos, Hologram goes up top, but Mortos gets him on his shoulders, only for Hologram to spin around with a Tijeras. More enziguris connect as he slips in and out between the ropes and the ringpost. Hologram up on the shoulders on the apron, jumps and STANDS on the shoulders then delivers the poisonrana on the apron! Hologram again up top, walks the ropes and dives with a flipping senton to the outside. Damn, looks like he may have hurt his leg on that dive, it seems to be bothering him already. Hologram up top once more, DOUBLE STOMP. I guess not then! Up top again, 450 but Mortos gets the knees up! Counter Spanish fly, and Mortos with a discus lariat.

Both men back to the top rope, and his time Mortos hits the avalanche press slam. 1, 2, no. Backbreaker again, and the powerbomb to the knee, followed by the lariat, 1, 2, no. Odd to bust out that same sequence again. Mortos is back to the ropes, Hologram up top with him and nails a super hurracanarana. Hologram is perched, swandive crucifix bomb again, 1, 2, nope. Hologram looks for the Portal Bomb and finally gets it. 1, 2, 3.

Official Winner - Hologram

Official thoughts – On Collision, this would have gone down a storm, but after Ospreay/Ricochet/Takeshita, it suffered. The first and second falls were great fun, but towards the latter half of the third fall, it got ‘weird’ with them repeating some spots from earlier to lesser effect. Also, I know it’s Lucha, but that was a LOT of time spent on the top rope.


Darby tries a couple of chops, but King just dumps him to the outside. Brody picks him up by the belt buckle and swings him into the barricade. Brody pulls out the steel steps, and Darby attacks him behind, leaping on his back. He shrugs him off, but Darby comes back with a suicide dive.

Darby takes a run up off the steel steps and dives into a huge right hand from Brody King. Brody traps Darby beneath the steel steps and then WALKS on top of them, stomping as he does so! Snake Eyes onto the steps, then back in the ring King nails a senton for 2. King then COLLAPSES the chest of Darby with a wild chop and another. Darby avoids the cannonball, pulling himself up, and then hits a battering ram dive to the floor. He ascends the ropes, and Coffin Drop to the outside connects. Code Red in the ring gets 2 for Darby.

Darby now locks in a sleeper on Brody, with King on the apron…until King launches himself backwards, sandwiching Darby on the ring apron. Elevated sleeper from Brody before he dumps Allin back in the ring. German suplex as Darby is reeling. Deadlift German suplex with King standing on the ropes! Now to the top rope, GERMAN OFF THE TOP, yikes Darby got folded up there. King hooks the leg, 1, 2, no.

Darby and King fight near the buckles, and Darby delivers headbutts before pushing him back off the ropes into the steel steps below! He’s not done, delivering a Coffin Drop to Brody King on top of the steps for added measure. Referee Paul Turner is making the count and just makes it into the ring at 9. Darby meets him with another Coffin Drop for the 1, 2, 3.

Official Winner - Darby Allin

Official thoughts – This one followed the Darby formula where Allin takes ungodly amounts of punishment and then manages to snatch a victory through luck and determination. Those Germans were painful to watch! Nice finish too.

Brody King shows Darby respect, shaking his hand after the match.


Amazing Red appears in a pre-taped video package, with a pep talk for Private Party. We see Stokely Hathaway watching from the crowd too. Matthew takes the mic and says sure, Private Party beat them 5 years ago. But after that win, they did absolutely nothing. Matthew says he’s looking at two guys that will always be a midcard act.

Zay & Quen take a shot at Matthew, but the Bucks hightail it and head up the ramp. Private Party follow after them but walk into stereo superkicks. Zay takes on both Bucks and tells Quen to head up the staging truss. Zay holds the Bucks back as Quen hits a flipping senton off the entrance tunnel. Back to the ring, diving crossbody from Zay gets a 2 count after the bell finally rings.

X-factor from Nicholas misses the moonsault to the outside, and Quen hits a double hurracanrana on the Bucks, with Zay following up with a tope con hilo. Atomic drop on Matthew, but he gets a tag to Nicholas while being elevated. Step up sliced bread from Matthew, double superkicks to Quen, and another to Zay. Double back elbows from the champions, and they hit their pose. Quen makes the tag to Zay, who is a house of fire, taking on both Bucks. Dropkick, enziguri to Nicholas, Quebrada to the outside to take out Matthew, and a springboard DDT back into the ring to pin Nicholas for 2. Top Flight and Action Andretti are seen watching at ringside too.

Enziguri/powerbomb combination from the Bucks on Zay, followed by the diving stomp, but Zay hits a modified Silly String counter! Silly String is countered by Matthew, but Zay hurracanranas him anyway, only for Nicholas to jump to the top rope and hit a flipping senton. He then vaults off the barricade with a moonsault. Poisonrana on Nicholas from Zay, Canadian Destroyer by Nicholas, 450 from Quen, and all four men are down.

Nicholas gets a top rope cutter on Zay but just gets a 2. TK Driver attempt, Zay with a victory roll, only gets 2 though. Blockbuster from Quen off the top, allows Zay to hit a DDT at the same time. Double stomp to Quen, outstretched on the knees of Matthew. They pump up their boots and nail a couple of superkicks. More Bang for your Buck is countered, GIN AND JUICE CONNECTS! 1, 2, NO.

Superkicks from Private Party. They hit More Bang for your Buck, 1, 2, no Matthew breaks it up. Doomsday dropkick on Private Party, followed by the TK Driver on Quen and the EVP Trigger on Zay. 1, 2, NO, Zay kicks out. Matthew gets Quen on his shoulders and Nicholas superkicks him off them from the apron. In the ring, another EVP Trigger fails as Zay pulls them into each other. Zay with a flurry of shots. Nice transition from Matthew into the TK Driver, which connects for the 1, 2, and 3.

Official Winners and STILL AEW World Tag Team Champions - The Young Bucks

Official thoughts – The crowd seemed burnt out by this point, and in the early goings this felt like another spotfest which couldn’t hit the highs that we’d seen from the Triple Threat earlier. It greatly picked up towards the end but the moves felt a little too telegraphed for my tastes. Good effort from Private Party, although I never bought them as a real threat to the Bucks, despite all the pre-match pomp and circumstance.


Jim Ross has now joined the commentary desk for the rest of the show. Both men trade forearms as the bell rings, with Briscoe getting the upper hand and beating Jericho down in the corner. Codebreaker out of the corner from Jericho! Barely a 1 count though. Briscoe clotheslines Jericho to the floor and heads out there after him.

Briscoe delivers a suplex on the floor, then gets back up on the apron to hit the Cactus Elbow. A chair is tossed into the ring, and Briscoe sets it up for his dive, so Jericho tosses it away as Briscoe makes the run. Briscoe just dives anyway, he doesn’t need the chair! Briscoe sits Jericho on another chair and hits a flipping senton off the apron to knock him backwards off the chair. Big Bill comes into the camera show with a running boot to Briscoe, and then he pulls out a table. Orange Cassidy gets involved and takes Big Bill out with several Orange Punches to send him backstage.

Jericho tries to take advantage, but Briscoe nails a back suplex on the apron. In the ring, rolling DVD connects, and then both head out onto the apron. Briscoe is thinking of Jay Driller until Jericho hits a suplex to the floor off the apron. Jericho grabs the camera and puts the boots on Briscoe, POV-style. Jericho delivers mounted punches and hits a hurracanrana off the ropes. Briscoe battles back with a series of strikes and the spinning forearm. Uppercut thrust catches Jericho, with the Fisherman’s Buster getting him a 2 count.

Jay Driller attempts, but Jericho grounds him and locks him in the Walls of Jericho instead, dead centre of the ring. Briscoe manages to make it to the ropes. Bryan Keith appears out of nowhere to clock Briscoe with a baseball bat while the referee is distracted, Jericho goes for the pin and just gets a 2. Rocky Romero appears to take out Bryan Keith. Jericho is on the outside, and Briscoe makes the dive, sending Jericho through the propped up table on the outside. Briscoe goes for the Froggy Bow but Jericho catches him with another Codebreaker! 1, 2, NO.

Judas Effect is dodged, Briscoe looks for another Jay Driller, but Jericho avoids it and this time hits the Judas Effect. Jericho puts the brakes on as he has an idea. JAY DRILLER from Jericho! 1, 2, Nooo! Briscoe riles himself up, absorbing blows. Redneck Kung Fu ensues, and Death Valley Driver and the Froggy Bow once more connects this time. Briscoe points up to Jay and hits the Jay Driller for the emphatic 1, 2, 3.

Official Winner and STILL ROH World Champion - Mark Briscoe

Official thoughts – This did what it needed to, giving Briscoe a big singles PPV win and a high profile World Title defence over someone like Jericho. It hit all the expected notes and had the right result, with both guys working hard to up the emotional stakes with all the Jay Briscoe stuff. Very fitting.


As Danielson makes his pose on the buckles for the Final Countdown, Moxley attacks! They fight to the outside, meanwhile, Final Countdown is still playing, and it works so well as both guys light each other up. Moxley wraps a cable around the throat of Danielson, but Danielson grabs a mic and smacks Mox in the head with it, before wrapping the cable around his throat in return. Marina Shafir jumps on Dragon’s back but he shakes her off. Moxley brings a chair into the ring…BUSAIKU KNEE assisted with a chair! The bell rings and this one is officially underway as the Final Countdown dies down.

Busaiku Knee connects again, looking to end this early. 1, 2, no. Moxley regroups on the outside, so Danielson hits his springboard somersault to knock him down. Moxley heads to the other side of the ring, so Danielson follows up with a suicide dive, having an answer to everything. Yes, Kicks delivered on top of the Spanish announce table. Thumb to the eye! PILEDRIVER ON THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! ‘Fuck you Moxley’ chants ring out across the entire arena.

Moxley targets the kinesio tape around Danielson’s neck and bites the head. Marina joins in the fun while Moxley distracts the referee. Vicious kick to the back from Mox, firmly in control. He traps the arms and stomps Danielson in the face, drawing the ire of the fans. Marina once again gets involved, delivering knees to the face. Moxley has some fun with a little joint manipulation as he instructs Shafir to pull back the padding on the floor. Moxley looks for a piledriver on the floor, but Danielson fights it and Mox gets back body dropped onto the cement.

Moxley rips off the kinesio tape and bites the back of Dragon! Danielson slips free and bites the forehead of Moxley before pulling him into a tree of woe and delivering Yes kicks. Running dropkick connects, and he heads back up top for the top rope back suplex, but Moxley avoids it. Spider German Suplex connects instead! Swandive headbutt misses, Moxley with a curb stomp! 1, 2, no. Gator roll applied into the Bulldog, transitions into a front chancery, delivering some knees for good measure. Danielson counters and hits a piledriver of his own! But did Moxley turn his head as Regal taught him?!

Both men get back to their feet and the crowd is fired up, as is Danielson. They go one for one with stiff forearms until Danielson staggers. Now Moxley hits a kick to the chest but runs into a series of uppercuts. Flying lariat from Danielson followed by Yes kicks, along with the roundhouse kick. Marina pulls the legs of Danielson while he signals for the Busaiku Knee, and referee Bryce Remsburg sees it, so he ejects her from ringside. Danielson avoids a Paradigm Shift, eats a butterfly suplex, and then comes right back with a Busaiku Knee! 1, 2, NO.

Danielson traps the arms and proceeds to kick Moxley’s head in. LeBell Lock applied, and Moxley claws his way across the mat to reach the ropes, but Danielson grabbed the outstretched arm and pulled it back, only for Mox to reach the ropes with his legs. Moxley rolls to the outside, Danielson charges for a suicide dive, but Moxley catches him and hits a Paradigm Shift on the concrete floor! He rolls him back inside, 1, 2, NO!!

Moxley with some truly vicious hammer and anvil elbows, then tries for a rear naked choke. Danielson gets to his feet with Moxley still on his back, and manages to climb the ropes with Moxley still there! He launches himself back to finally knock Moxley off him and give himself a breather. They start kicking each other in the face until Danielson transitions into the LeBell again. Triangle submission is applied instead now, but Moxley floats over for the body scissors. REGALPLEX but Moxley is up! Busaiku Knee connects once more! 1, 2, NO!

Moxley nails a lariat and another. DEATH RIDER! 1 COUNT KICKOUT by Danielson! Moxley implores him, ‘Don’t make me do this’. Danielson spits in his face and slaps him. GOTCH-STYLE PILEDRIVER on Danielson, then into the bulldog. Danielson struggles and fights it…but he’s fading. AND THAT’S IT! Danielson’s out, and the referee calls for the bell.

Official Winner and NEW AEW World Champion - Jon Moxley

Official thoughts – Tremendous emotion to match the physical violence on display here. That was NOT the result I was expecting, especially a clean result like that. Our road to get there was fantastic though, with a similar vibe to All In, crowd firmly behind Danielson, creating an electric atmosphere for those nearfalls. I particularly loved the nods to Regal and their first AEW match against each other, giving us multiple layers to enjoy here. The crowd may be deflated by that ending, but it came off as a great piece of business overall.

Moxley takes the World title and puts it in a bag. Marina hands Moxley and plastic bag again, but here comes Wheeler Yuta and Darby Allin to run the ‘New BCC’ off. Darby slowly turns and Wheeler Yuta hits Darby with a Busaiku Knee! Pac drags Darby into the corner and tapes him up over the middle rope. Danielson is back up…and WHEELER YUTA is the one to put the plastic bag over Danielson’s face! Darby is helpless, but others attempt to come to the rescue – Private Party, Jeff Jarrett.

Claudio wraps Danielson’s head in a chair and hits a running stomp to Pillmanize Danielson’s neck. OC, Garcia, Adam Cole, and Hook among others all finally make it out as the New BCC exit the ringside area.

Danielson gets the stretcher job out of the arena as the ring crew help Darby Allin break free of the tape. ‘Thank You Bryan’ chants go up in the crowd as everyone watches on.


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