Hello everyone, I am one half of your Irn Bruiserweights bringing you your AEW Worlds End 2024 Review. So let's get into it.

Nigel and Tony are already tremendous within the first minute:
Nigel: You know who Storm reminds me of?
Tony: Uh, Timeless Toni Storm?
Nigel: Gwen Stefani.
Sublime. Flipping neckbreaker from Grey, cover for 2. Grey kicks away at the legs of Storm and delivers a dropkick, then drives a knee into the throat in the corner. Leila with a cutter, then rolls into a dragon sleeper, nice! Storm reaches back with her feet to touch the ropes. Louise Thesz press from Storm, hip attack in the corner, and a Fisherwoman’s suplex gets 2. Bicycle kick from Leila, followed by a blockbuster from the second rope, 1, 2, no. Running knee in the corner by Grey, suplex, goes for another but Storm rolls her up, 1, 2, 3.
Official Winner - Toni Storm
Time - 6:36
Official thoughts – It was a fine match with Leila Grey looking pretty decent through most of it, although some of her offence looked a little gentle. Now Storm can play up her ‘big fluke win’ on a Zero Hour. I’m intrigued to see how it all plays out on the road to Grand Slam Australia.

Admittedly, Jarrett has been a lot more watchable over the last few months, pretty much since the Owen Cup, but this is still not a match I feel inclined to sit through. Both guys play to the crowd, climbing the buckles to test their reaction. QT with an arm drag and more posing. Jarrett fires off some arm drags but gets cut off before he can strut. Big clothesline takes QT to the floor, and Jarrett gets the strut this time. Diving uppercut by Marshall, Jarrett builds a comeback but QT with a back handspring kick, and he applauds himself for that one.
Back suplex from Jarrett and both men are down. Back body drop, and now Jarrett ascends for the 10 count mounted punches in the corner. Enziguri, 1, 2, no. QT looks for a Figure Four, Jarrett boots him away though. QT to the top gets caught and planted by Jarrett before Jarrett locks in a Sharpshooter. Aaron Solo gets involved for a distraction, QT with a rollup for 2. The Stroke on Jarrett! 1, 2, no. Marshall asks Solo for Jarrett’s guitar, and he gives it to him, but here comes Jay Lethal to battle Solo up the ramp. Backslide by Jarrett gets a 2. The Stroke! 1, 2, 3.
Official Winner - Jeff Jarrett
Time - 9:21
Official thoughts – Not bad, even if it wasn’t terribly inspired. These guys are perfectly capable of working the crowd with a decent match, and that’s what we got here.
Toni Storm is with Lexy Nair backstage, and Storm is so excited about her first PPV appearance. AEW is officially Toni Time.
Deonna Purrazzo shows up and says they can make a memory no one will forget. Toni Storm vs Deonna Purrazzo on the first Dynamite of 2025, ‘for the first time’. Storm says thank you for the opportunity.

The Outrunners and the Murder Machines have to hold back Top Flight, Lio and Andretti from getting into it before the match begins. Archer takes it to Darius as the bell rings, and Cage tags in for the bicep curl fallaway slam. Andretti steals the tag from Archer, Darius sends both Lio and Action to the floor, and now Rush, Andretti and Top Flight all come face to face. Lio and Dante go at it, leaping knee from Dante. Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum with some quick tags, but Rush rakes the eyes of Magnum as he goes for an aeroplane spin. Finlay roll from Andretti to Magnum, standing moonsault gets a 2.
Cage works over the midsection of Truth Magnum as Tony Schiavone’s cell phone goes off and Excalibur mocks him relentlessly. Floyd in, body slams to both Rush and Andretti, but Cage comes in for a double suplex on the Outrunners, only for them to turn the tables, and deliver a suplex to Cage. Superkicks from Top Flight. SUNAVABITCH ELBOW FROM OUTRUNNERS AND TOP FLIGHT! Cage looks for the powerbomb but the Outrunners cut that off, big boot from both Outrunners. Rush and Andretti with stereo suicide dives to the outside. Dropkick into a German by To Flight, tornado DDT on Rush. Cage with a spinning Full Nelson slam. Chokeslam Powerbomb on Dante, 1, 2, no, the Outrunners make the save. Archer signals for another chokeslam, but Lio Rush tags himself in, frog splash to Dante! 1, 2, 3.
Official Winners - Murder Machines, Lio Rush & Action Andretti
Time - 10:47
Official thoughts – Well I loved Lio stealing the win at the end there, that was smart.
Post-match, the music of Private Party hits, and here come the AEW Tag Team Champions. Nothing happens, they’re just gloating at all their potential challengers.
Backstage, Lexy Nair is with Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt, but Dutt and Jarrett are arguing about something. Jarrett says he likes to reflect at the end of the year, and this Wednesday on Dynamite he will make an announcement about his career.
And now it’s time…for the MAIN SHOW. Oh sheeeeeiiiiiit we’re starting with the Semi-Finals, let’s gooooo.

Continental Classic rules still apply, but there will be no time limit and there must be a winner. Fletcher runs straight at Ospreay as the bell rings, but Ospreay is ready for him. Oscutter attempt is caught, Brainbuster attempt is reversed, and both men show how well they know each other. Fletcher already has a huge handprint on his chest from one of Will’s chops. They chop each other in the corner, throat thrust by Fletcher, but Ospreay sends him to the floor with a clothesline over the top rope. Somersault senton off the apron and takes Fletcher down! Ospreay pulls out the steel steps, he goes for the step up hurracanrana like at Full Gear, but Fletcher is aware of that one now and puts the brakes on, powerbombing him into the apron.
Lawn dart into the ringside barricade by Kyle, and he stands on the barricade to flex at the crowd. Oh, Ospreay has been busted open from that lawn dart. Quite the crimson mask already, spilling onto his chest. Kyle kicks the face, and gets blood all over his white boots…and then he licks the blood off his hand to a chorus of ‘You Sick Fuck’ chants. A handspring rebound attempt from Ospreay is caught, and Fletcher hits a long dart into the middle turnbuckle, and oh SHIT Ospreay is gushing! Kyle toys with him, but Ospreay starts to rally. Rising lariat takes Fletcher down! Back body drop from Ospreay, and a snake eyes to Fletcher this time, followed by a big boot, and the standing sky twister press. Kick to the knee from Fletcher, Ospreay counters with a stundog millionaire. Ospreay signals for the Oscutter but gets caught with a half and half. Standing Spanish Fly, Ospreay hooks the leg, 1, 2, no.
Ospreay is laughing as he gets back up, clearly loving the adrenaline. Back to their feet, they both invite chops. They both counter powerbomb attempts, but Ospreay with the Oscutter! 1, 2, no. Ospreay is thinking Hidden Blade but Fletcher is back up to cut it off with a lariat. Ospreay with a poisonrana, but Fletcher comes right back with a Hidden Blade, and both men are down.
Battling on their knees, they trade headbutts which may not be a good idea for Ospreay. Now trading them on their feet, Fletcher goes for a diving headbutt but Ospreay catches him with a superkick!! Fletcher rolls Ospreay up somehow but grabs the ropes for leverage right in front of the ref. Kyle and the ref argue, HIDDEN BLADE! 1, 2, NO. Ospreay looks for another, Kyle pulls the ref in the way though, and Ospreay puts the breaks on. Kyle with a brainbuster!! 1, 2, NO!
Kyle doesn’t let up and nails the Protobomb, 1, 2, NOOOO. Running kick to the back of the head in the corner, and Kyle wants one more. He delivers it to the face this time and goes for the brainbuster but Ospreay counters with a hurracanarana right into a STYLES CLASH. 1, 2, 3!!
Official Winner and advancing to the Finals - Will Ospreay
Time - 16:20
Official thoughts – Brutal and fitting for where they are in their feud, with a heck of a blade job from Ospreay, which will make the finals a real uphill battle for him. Great opener, which went into top gear very early while still leaving Will with a lot of options for the finals in terms of his offence. Good plan to end it with the Styles Clash out of nowhere, that worked well.
Post-match, Ospreay signals that they’re 1-1, so a rubber match is clearly called for down the line.

Big Okada chants as this one starts. Okada backs Ricochet into the ropes and twists the ear in lieu of any hair. Quick tijeras takedown and a dropkick sends Okada to the floor, but he’s back in the ring to knock Ricochet down with a big boot. Okaa shushes the crowd, takes a big run up across all four sides of the ring…and then just slaps Ricochet around the head, lovely stuff. Okada catches Ricochet on a springboard attempt, swatting him away, but Ricochet pulls and twists the leg on the apron and nails a tope suicida to the outside.
Ricochet says he’s winning, baby. Springboard clothesline back into the ring, cover, Okada kicks out at 2. Ricochet chops him on his knees, but Okada starts shaking it off and gets back to his feet, unloading with his right hand and a flapjack. Running back elbow connects, and another in the corner, followed by a short DDT as Okada covers for 2. Handspring back elbow misses for Ricochet, but a backdrop suplex and a lionsault connects for 2. Running SSP also gets a 2, and now Ricochet looks pissed. He positions Okada near the buckles and climbs to the top, 450 is avoided, and Okada connects with the Air Raid Crash neckbreaker, 1, 2, no.
Body slam by Okada, he heads up top and delivers the elbow drop, RAINMAKER MIDDLE FINGER POSE. Rainmaker is countered into the Benadryller, but Okada catches it. They jostle for position, Okada catches him with a dropkick. Tombstone reversed, VERTIGO! 1, 2, NO. God Okada very nearly landed on his neck there. Ricochet with a picture-perfect Shooting Star, 1, 2, nope, Okada gets the shoulder up after a lackadaisical cover. Ricochet loads up the Spirit Gun and misses. Rising knee connects Okada with another dropkick though. Ricochet is driven into the mat with an Okada version of the Vertigo and the RAINMAKER CONNECTS! 1, 2, 3.
Official Winner and advancing to the Finals - Kazuchika Okada
Time - 12:55
Official thoughts – They smartly eased off the gas and brought the pace down after our opener, giving the crowd time to breathe. Ricochet is doing some good stuff with this new persona, and this had some neat moments but didn’t quite reach great levels.
Haha, toilet paper is thrown into the ring again as Ricochet sits there contemplating his loss…but then the music of Swerve Strickland hits! Swerve is out on stage with the microphone.
Swerve says congratulations for reaching as far as Swerve did last year, but didn’t Ricochet say he was going to win? Strickland says he warned him that if he blew it, he was going to embarrass him. Swerve expected him to run his mouth, and that’s exactly what’s happened. Swerve is going to have to clean up his mess. Prince Nana comes out with a trolley full of toilet paper. Nana wheels it down towards the ring and starts handing them out.
Swerve says they all want to help Ricochet, they want a clean slate for Ricochet in 2025. Swerve says Orlando can wish Ricochet a Happy New Year on the count of 3. 1, 2, 3…Ricochet stands still in the middle of the ring as he gets pelted by toilet paper in a great visual. “Happy New Year, Trevor.” Swerve smiles as he heads backstage.
Backstage, Will Ospreay is getting tended to and cleaned up by a doctor. Renee Paquette tries to get a word with him. Ospreay asks if he looks alright. He says it doesn’t matter, he’ll need Orlando to carry him through it tonight. He lives for this shit, and although it feels like he’s been hit by a truck, he’s gonna beat Okada and go to flippin’ Disneyworld.

This is Falls Count Anywhere, by the way. Rosa brings down a pinata to the ring, while May gets in the face of Rosa’s father at ringside. Rosa with a suicide dive to take out May before the champ even gets in the ring. Running senton gets a 2 count, but May grounds Rosa and delivers a series of right hands, screaming in her face. Dropkick to the chest from Rosa gets a 2 count, and she heads under the ring skirt to pull out some steel chairs and a trash can. May rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp, Rosa follows and walks into a DDT from May, which gets a 2 count.
Mariah pulls out a bottle of…tequila. And spits it into the face of Rosa, which seems to rile her up. Rosa spears May right through an upright board in the entrance tunnel! 1, 2, no. Rosa grabs a trash can, but May dropkicks it into her! Back at ringside, Rosa smashes a bottle over the head of May, although we didn’t get a glimpse of it and just see the broken shards at ringside. They work back into the ring, where Rosa chokes May out with a chair. A headbutt from May creates some separation, running knee strike gives Mariah a 2 count.
Airplane spin from Thunder Rosa into the Death Valley Driver, 1, 2, no. Rosa rips open the pinata…and it contains thumbtacks! Package piledriver attempt is reversed, MAY DAY INTO THE TACKS! 1, 2, NO.
May sends Rosa into the steel steps, and then heads over to Rosa’s dad, grabbing his walking cane and mocking him! She then pulls out a reel of barbed wire, wrapping it around her leg. She takes a run up the steps, but Rosa dodges, sending May’s barbed-wire-wrapped knee into the steps. Rosa takes her father's cane and smacks it across the back of May now. Rosa is wrestling with a load of those tacks stuck deep in her back and shoulder, she’s hardcore.
Thunder Rosa pulls out a table and sets up one side of it. Rosa uses it as a launch pad for a big time dropkick, then brings Mariah May back into the ring to cover her, but just gets a 2. Rosa grabs the chain and wraps it around the throat of May, pulling back for a potential submission. She drops it and grabs a chair instead, bouncing May’s head off it. Back to the chain, she chokes May out again but May digs into a bag of dirt (“from the graveyards of Tijuana!”) and throws it in the eyes of Rosa. To the apron, May hits a STORM ZERO OFF THE APRON THROUGH A TABLE for the 1, 2, 3.
Official Winner and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion - Mariah may
Time - 13:20
Official thoughts – Fun match full of the PLUNDAH~! Both women made good use of the stipulation, but Rosa was never going to win this when we were this close to Grand Slam Australia.

A year in the making, Adam Cole finally gets his hands on Maxwell Jacob Friedman. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett are at ringside…can you smell the betrayal already? MJF immediately heads outside the ring, but Cole is right there with him to send him into the barricade. Back in the ring, Cole sets up for the Panama Sunrise, but again MJF slips outside. He takes a cheap shot and sends Cole into the steel steps. MJF tells the crowd to shut the fuck up. Cole is busted open, and MJF sends him face-first into the ringpost to make matters worse. On the apron, MJF mocks the ‘Boom!’ pose. Cole with a quick jawbreaker, but MJF shrugs it off and yanks the hair.
MJF digs his teeth into the forehead wound. Cole leaps up, and MJF plants him with a powerbomb across the knee for a 2 count. “MJF Bay Bay” as he attempts a Panama Sunrise of his own, but Cole catches him with a superkick. Series of strikes from Cole, enziguri and a backstabber, straight into the brainbuster on the knee, 1, 2, no. Cole goes for the Panama Sunrise once more, but lands on the ankle, jarring it. MJF smells blood and chop blocks the ankle, before stomping on it. He whips Cole to the opposite corner, but Cole just collapses. MJF goes to whip Cole’s ankle around the ringpost, but Cole manages to shake him off and pull him violently into the ringpost, causing MJF to get busted open now.
Cole delivers the 10 count punches and bites the head, before delivering the Panama Sunrise. BOOM running knee strike, 1, 2, no. Cole’s leg appears to be fine again. Cole talks a little trash, but MJF again dives at the left leg, sending Cole head over heels. MJF screams he never gave a damn about Cole, and they both come to blows. Superkick by Cole, MJF right back to the leg and locks in a Figure Four. Cole flips off MJF and turns him over to reverse the pressure. Maxwell is forced to grab the ropes and break the hold. Taven and Bennett get in MJF’s face, and while the ref’s back is turned, MJF pretends to get hit by them into the steel steps, making a big clanging sound. Referee Bryce Remsburg makes the call to eject them. Meanwhile, MJF has grabbed the ring, but Cole cuts him off with a superkick. Cole has the ring and is ready to use it, but MJF low blows him while the ref is distracted! Heat seeker connects! 1, 2, 3.
Official Winner - MJF
Time - 14:33
Official thoughts – The feud called for blood, but after Ospreay’s epic bloodletting earlier, it didn’t seem as effective here. People have said it for weeks now, but this feud sadly outstayed its welcome, and this match suffered greatly because of it. The work was fine, but the crowd had long since given up caring.
MJF grabs a steel chair after the match and demands his music be cut as he wants everyone to hear him break Cole’s leg. He looks to Pillmanize the ankle…but the Undisputed Kingdom music hits, and Roderick Strong rushes down to help. MJF heads up the ramp but here comes Kyle O’Reilly from behind to bring MJF back to the ring. MJF is caught between Strong and O’Reilly, and they take him out with a high-low. Cole and O’Reilly hug, and then they all hold MJF back while Cole smacks MJF in the face with the Dynamite Dozen ring. Cole, O’Reilly and Strong hug, and now Bennett and Taven join the fray for a big group huh.

Yoo, it’s our slice of Meat Madness for the evening! Strikes from both men as the MEAT chants begin, and neither man goes down off of the shoulder blocks…wait, Hobbs just sent Takeshita FLYING out of the ring with a huge shoulder tackle! Hobbs slams Takeshita into the ring apron a couple of times, then Takeshita gives Hobbs the thumbs down and drops Hobbs hard on his knee. Takeshita wraps Hobbs’ knee around the ring post (…the same ringpost that MJF did this spot in the last match). Leg DDT in the ring and Hobbs is grounded now. Takeshita wraps the knee over the bottom rope and stands on it, twisting and stretching those tendons.
Suplex from the apron back inside the ring from the champion. Hobbs runs through a lariat attempt and hits a crossbody but the leg is bothering him. Corner lariats by Hobbs, running powerslam, 1, 2, no. Takeshita with a nice reversal, gets him in position, BASTARD DRIVER!! 1, 2, NO. Both men trade lariats until Hobbs goes for one too many, which Takeshita ducks to deliver a German. Powerdrive Knee is blocked, snap powerslam from Hobbs. Running lariat from the challenger, 1, 2, no. Hobbs looks for a spinebuster, goes behind Takeshita and a chop block, into the Blue Thunder Bomb, 1 COUNT KICKOUT. Hobbs climbs the buckles, and Takeshita right back up though. They battle on the top rope, Hobbs slips, and both fall to the apron. Takeshita is back up, Hobbs up there with him again, and superplex delivered by Takeshita! Followed up with a diving senton off the top! Takeshita signals for the Powerdrive Knee, but no, Hobbs nails a Spinebuster! 1, 2, NO!
Both men again head to the top rope, avalanche powerslam by Hobbs, but Takeshita rolls across the ring to avoid the cover. Hobbs takes off his knee brace to alleviate the pressure. And Takeshita goes straight for it with a kick to the knee and a rising knee. Front guillotine applied, Raging Fire! 1, 2, 3.
Official Winner and STILL AEW International Champion - Konosuke Takeshita
Time - 15:32
Official thoughts – Some really good stuff, but probably shouldn’t have gone as long as it did. I appreciate consistent leg work, and they should be commended for it here, but those moments on the top rope had me NERVOUS in a bad way. Couple of damn good nearfalls though, the crowd got into it by the end.
Renee Paquette is with Kazuchika Okada backstage, who says that yes, Ospreay is on another level, but he’s not on HIS level…bitch.

Mone had her best AEW match yet at Full Gear against Statlander, so I’ve got high hopes for this one. A shoulder tackle from Statlander sends Mone to the mat. Tijeras from Mone, Kris cartwheels out of it though. Mone extends the hand, Kris takes it and Mone batters her with a right hand. Basement dropkick to the outside. Armdrag into the barricade and double knees against the barricade…but as Mone stands on the barricade and dives at Statlander with a crossbody, Kris catches her, walks her up the steps and slams her on the mat.
Hurracanrana takedown from Mone, Statlander muscles her up for a vertical suplex but Mone reverses into a rollup for 2. Backbreaker by Statlander lifts her into a fallaway slam. Statlander looks for a suplex on the buckles, Mone fights it though, slips between the legs and delivers a powerbomb onto the apron! Back in the ring, Mone with a chinlock, hammer throw into the corner, followed by the double knees for 2. More hammer throws, until Statlander comes back with a lariat and a back elbow, only for Mercedes to fire off a backstabber for a 2 count. Straitjacket submission locked in, backstabber added with the arms still wrapped, and now Mercedes rears back for added pressure. Kris to her feet tries to back Mone into the corner to break it, but Mone pulls the hair instead. Meteora attempt from the second rope, but Statlander catches her and dumps her with a modified powerbomb.
Running uppercut and a knee to the side of the head by Statlander, followed by a wheelbarrow German suplex for 2. Stat looks for a powerslam, Mone reverses, but Statlander counters again with a spinning Michinoku Driver! 1, 2, no. Statlander hoists Mone to the top rope, charges in and Mone catches her with her legs, delivering a tornado DDT, pushing off the top rope for added leverage. Three Amigos from Mone, and she keeps going! Seven Amigos! Mone to the top rope again, frog splash (sort of) connects, 1, 2, no. Mercedes charges for the double knees in the corner, Statlander counters with a backslide into a Package Piledriver, 1, 2, NO.
Statlander attempts a suplex, Mone counters with a trio of jawbreakers, and they trade strikes now. Both women collide near the apron and fall to the floor, ripping off the apron and skirting as they do so. Mone Maker on the outside and both women are down. Mone is back in the ring, the ref gets to 9 but Mone waves it off and heads back out. She traps Statlander’s boot underneath the ring, heads back to the apron and delivers a Meteora from the ring apron to the floor. Stat gets rid of her boot, Mone dives at her and Statlander delivers an F5 into the apron. Another back in the ring, 1, 2, no, Mone gets the shoulder up. We’ve gone over 20 minutes now. Statlander makes the climb to the top once more, Mone cuts her off and hits a FUCKING TOMBSTONE ON THE APRON! God that almost looked like she slipped. Statlander is going to get counted out again but somehow makes it back in at 9. Mone with the Statement Maker then floats into an STF, but Statlander makes it to the ropes.
Statlander looking for a Saturday Night Fever but Mone transitions into the ankle lock! A series of rollups get 2, then Mone rolls Statlander into a seatbelt-esque pin for the 1, 2, 3.
Official Winner and STILL AEW TBS Champion - Mercedes Mone
Time - 24:34
Official thoughts – Not as good as their Full Gear encounter, and it honestly felt rather plodding at times; I felt every one of those 24 minutes. Mone looked stupid for stopping the count at 9 and then going for another countout victory shortly after too. Fair enough if she were going to win by other means, but it made no sense in that moment. Still, the closing minutes gave us some top notch drama so it’s not a total bust by any stretch.
Statlander gets a rousing ovation post-match, and rightly so, she’s been killing it this year.
Ospreay’s head is heavily bandaged and he looks pretty worse for wear, but he’s fired up and ready for this one. Jim Ross has joined commentary for this auspicious occasion. The bell rings and the fans go nuts, all getting to their feet. Okada backs Ospreay into the ropes, a clean break, but then delivers an elbow strike. Ospreay unleashes some hard chops, runs the ropes and hits a sweet tijeras and the springboard crossbody to the outside. He may look beaten and battered, but the man sure can switch on the pace when he needs to!
Ospreay avoids being thrown into the barricade, Okada dodges a Phenomenal Forearm attempt and counters with a DDT on the floor. Okada drapes Ospreay from the ring apron, delivering another DDT on the floor. Back in the ring, Okada hits one more DDT for a 2 count. Okada toys with Ospreay, casually rubbing his boot in Ospreay’s face. Neckbreaker from Okada, and the gauze has fallen off Ospreay’s forehead, so Okada grabs it and wipes his brow with it hahaha. Okada removes the wrap from Ospreay’s head and rakes the wound. Running back elbow, goes for a DDT but Ospreay counters with a suplex. Handspring flip kick connects, as does the Phenomenal Forearm, into the cover, 1, 2, no.
Okada with a flapjack to Ospreay, and a dropkick to Ospreay on the top rope, sending him to the outside (and getting his leg caught up in the ropes on the way down). Okada capitalizes with a kneebreaker on the outside and looks for a tombstone but Ospreay drops down behind and hits a crescent kick to the face. Ospreay leaps to the barricade and springs back into an OSCUTTER ON THE FLOOR. Okada makes it in the ring at 9 and is met with a springboard dropkick and another Oscutter for 2. Ospreay hooks the arms, maybe thinking Storm Breaker, can’t get it though. Okada muscles him up, Air Raid Crash neckbreaker across the knee. Okada heads up top, diving elbow connects, RAINMAKER MIDDLE FINGER POSE. Ospreay backs him into the corner, but Okada comes right back with a John Woo dropkick. Another dropkick connects, Rainmaker countered into a powerbomb, and he rolls straight through into the STYLES CLASH! 1, 2, NO!!
Hidden Blade countered into a tilt-a-whirl slam and a RAINMAKER! 1, 2, NOOOO! Okada kicks out of the Rainmaker! Big right hand from Okada, uppercut, and Okada is taking his time with him now. Ospreay crumples to the mat, and Okada delivers kicks to the head and a headbutt. Okada sticks his neck out, asking for Will to hit him. Ospreay takes a swing but Okada ducks it and hits a big German suplex. Rainmaker NO, INTO A SPANISH FLY FROM OSPREAY! 1, 2, NO. He’s poised, dropkick cuts off the Hidden Blade. Ospreay with his own RAINMAKER! STORM BREAKERRRR! 1, 2, NOOOOO!! Jeezus I’m sweating!
Ospreay hooks the arms, and Okada flips out of it and hits another Rainmaker. Okada still has wrist control! Lariat, Ospreay shrugs it off. Crescent kick, Hidden Blade avoided. Storm Breaker countered with an arm drag!! RAINMAKER! 1, 2, 3.
Official Winner of the Continental Classic and STILL AEW Continental Champion - Kazuchika Okada

Time - 19:11
Official thoughts – Fantastic effort and performance from Will Ospreay; I’d almost use the term ‘star-making performance’ because it was so gutsy, but that’s ridiculous as we all know he’s a star and has been for a long time. This was GOOD SHIT OKADA too, with some Herculean reversals and counters to remind everyone why he is so highly regarded. I thought I’d seen everything these guys had to offer in their last NJPW matches, but they still managed to bust out some new stuff here, making for an exhilarating contest. Very, very nice indeed.
Christopher Daniels comes out to the ramp to applaud Okada. He says, normally this is where he’d present Okada with the championship title. But he can’t do that, because as of today he is no longer an EVP for All Elite Wrestling. But this man is…
Omega grabs the Continental Championship and heads down to the ring with it. Omega is looking sharp in a suit, by the way. He comes face to face with Okada and hands him the belt. Okada holds it aloft while locking eyes, and Omega applauds him. Kenny exits the ring, while Okada is left looking vaguely concerned in the ring.

White and Hangman get into it immediately, so Moxley just casually rolls out of the ring to let them at it. OC spots it though, and he suicide dives to catch Moxley off-guard. That snaps some sense into Page and White, and now all three target Moxley on the outside. Claudio and Yuta show up and drag Moxley to ‘safety’ in the crowd, but everyone starts battling in the crowd now. Claudio and Page pair off, while OC and Moxley duke it out. The Death Riders continue their assault in the crowd until security appears to try and restrain them. Moxley is with OC in the ring, and he mocks the Sloth Style for a bit before delivering ‘proper’ kicks. Page and White appear and hold Moxley back, and OC delivers an Orange Punch. Then OC, Page and White all form a brief alliance, taking a page out of the Shield playbook to Triple Powerbomb Moxley through the announcer’s table!
The Page, White and OC alliance doesn’t last long, as all three go at it in the ring now. Big boot by Page gets 2 and we see the Patriarchy watching in the stands. The camera cuts to another stand, and Hook is there, keeping an eye on Christian. Page with a boot to White and Cassidy on the outside, before sending OC into the steel steps.
Cassidy goes for a tornado DDT, Page avoids it, but can’t avoid the Stundog Millionaire. White blocks a stundog and suplexes OC instead. Hurracanrana from White to Page, and here comes Moxley from behind. Beach Break attempt from OC evaded, but PK to Moxley instead. Mox comes right back with a cutter. The back of Moxley’s head is split open, presumably from the triple powerbomb. Page and Moxley trade blows, Orange Cassidy is tossed to the floor and White tries for a Blade Runner but can’t get it. OC with a tornado DDT on Moxley, all four men are down.
They get to their feet, OC collapses again, and it’s White who takes it to both Moxley and White. German to Moxley. Dead Eye to Moxley too! Orange Punch! Moxley looks for the Death Rider, OC with an Orange Punch to counter. Pin attempt, but Hangman disrupts the count. Buckshot Lariat to OC. And one to Jay White. Another Dead Eye to Moxley. Yuta gets involved, gets kicked away, and Page still manages to hit the buckshot on Moxley. OC from behind to roll up Page for 2. Low blow by Page, he’s not happy with OC. Blade Runner to Page, and one to Moxley! Cover, 1, 2, Yuta attacks the referee. White sees red and goes for Yuta but Shafir is in the ring….BLADE RUNNER TO SHAFIR! Yuta with a Busaiku Knee. Moxley with a Death Rider on Jay White and the referee has come to, 1, 2, 3.
Official Winner and STILL AEW World Champion - Jon Moxley
Time - 15:39
Official thoughts – Well that was not the match I was expecting. It quickly broke down into a massive Finisher Fest, with everyone just spamming the Triangle/Y button. There’s some fun to be had from all the chaos, but it provided very little substance, and the distractions from other parties in the crowd were a little overplayed.
Claudio brings a chair into the ring…but the music of FTR hits! Dax and Cash haven’t been medically cleared, but they’re here anyway. The lights go out! “RATED FTR” appears on the screen. METALINGUS PLAYS!
FTR heads straight for Claudio and Yuta, taking them out of the ring. Shatter Machine to Yuta! Copeland steps inside the ring and comes face to face with Moxley. FTR leave them to it, giving them space. Holy Shit chants from Orlando, and Copeland rebounds off the ropes to take out Moxley with a spear! Copeland breaks off a bar from a steel chair and locks in the bar-assisted crossface. Claudio manages to free Moxley and pull him to safety outside the ring.
Copeland takes a mic but it doesn’t work. He gets another and tells Moxley to look at him when he’s talking to him. “You’re all mine, we’re taking it all!” We see the graphic and the Trios match is signed for Fight for the Fallen – Rated FTR vs the Death Riders, this Wednesday. And with that, we’re out!